Level Two: The Punishment

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Waking up the next day, I woke up pretty early and in a great mood, as I felt like it was a great day to make some money. As I sat up in bed, the first thing that I thought about was picking up my phone and going onto the Sissy app.

Once logging onto the app, I was met with the normal home screen reading "hello, Allie." It's annoying how it calls me that, I thought, but I really didn't understand what the app was asking last night.

I just ignored it, not really caring about the name; I only had money on my mind. I clicked on the daily tasks like yesterday before looking to see what my task would be, as it was easy money yesterday. Once I was on daily tasks, the screen read, "The daily task to complete is to put on the panties; failure to complete the task will result in punishment."

"What the heck?" I thought, as I wasn't exactly sure what it was talking about. Once I finished having that thought, I looked in my lap to see a pair of floral white panties appear in front of me.

 Once I finished having that thought, I looked in my lap to see a pair of floral white panties appear in front of me

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"What the fuck?" I thought, not knowing how they appeared in front of me. I quickly tossed them off the bed onto the floor and looked back at the app.

Feeling very creeped out but oddly curious about how the app worked, I decided to keep going and clicked off of the daily task onto the games section, but before I could make it to the games section, I was hit with a message that popped up on the screen.

"You failed to complete the task, and now you will receive a punishment; the punishment will be chastity," the screen read.

After I read the message, I felt something hard start to squeeze around my balls and penis, like it was locking into place. Feeling this weird, tight sensation, I moved the covers back and pulled down my shorts to uncover what looked to be a pink chastity cage around my cock. I tried for a second to pull it off, and it wouldn't budge, only starting to get hard in the process, which started causing me a lot of pain but a slightly pleasurable feeling. I started to panic a bit as I could no longer touch my dick.

I decided to look back at my phone, seeing that there was a new message showing a 24-hour timer ticking down. "Oh, good," I thought. It must only be for 24 hours, and then I'll be free.

After learning this, I decided it was enough of this app today, as I was pretty pissed off from the chastity cage. I closed the app and logged out for the day.

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