Level Seven: My Voice

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It's another day, and once again I am logging onto the app to do my daily tasks. I'm starting to get tired of all the changes and stuff that comes from this app, but it's really out of my control.

I mean, I could delete the app and then I would be fine, but I have already made thousands of dollars just from days of playing, so it's hard not to keep going. As the app loaded up, I quickly clicked on the daily task to see what I would have to do today.

As it loaded, the text popped up on screen like usual: "Your daily task is that your voice will now be modified."

"Modified, what does that mean?" I started to think. I then thought it had something to do with my voice, so I started to speak out loud, "Hello." I said this time hearing my voice to have a feminine pitch. "What the fuck?!?" I thought, realizing my voice had been changed into a soft feminine tone and pitch.

Maybe there's some way to make my voice deep again. I started to think and realized that it's not the biggest problem. At least not compared to the other recent changes.

I then decided to head over to the games section and try out whatever the level 7 game was.

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