Level Six: Makeup

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It's the next day again, and my mind has still been weird but feeling better; it just feels kind of different than it normally is.

I launched the app again, looking to immediately go over to the task section, as that's always something I'm looking to get out of the way since it's something that's required of me every day.

Once the app loaded up, I clicked the task section so I could read what the task was. "You will be required to wear makeup every day; failure to comply will result in a punishment," the task read. Just then, it started to explain how I didn't have to do the makeup, but it would instantly be applied by command.

After reading the task, I felt different compared to before, like it felt more easy to accept this. "Okay," I said out loud, and soon after, makeup was applied to my face. I then walked over to a mirror, where I could see a pretty girl staring back at me.

After I admired myself in the mirror for a little while, I decided to head over to the games column, as I was curious and excited to see what would happen today.

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