Level Nine: Sissy Battles

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Once I got over to the games tab, I saw the game, and it was called Player Battles. I knew this game had to involve going against other players, but I wasn't sure how or what would happen.

I clicked on it without hesitation, as no matter what the game was, I was probably going to play it. I loaded up the game to then see the rules displayed on the screen: "You are about to go against another player in an orgasm wrestling match; the first one to make the other one cum wins; also, chastity cages will be removed from the match."

At that moment, the once-tightened chastity cage disappeared, and I seemed to be free again. "That's good!" I thought as I was enjoying the time I have without my chastity on. Suddenly, I saw the bright lights and colors around me again before I was teleported into a huge room and was on a big mat in the center of the room. I wasn't bound or tied up this time, but there were bleachers by the walls, and there was a crowd of people surrounding me.

I looked down and realized I was naked, and I started to feel embarrassed around all of these people. Then my eyes darted across from me to see who I thought was my opponent because she was also naked and on the matted area. She was very pretty, with some gorgeous blonde hair and some cute makeup, and she looked like a pretty tough opponent.

After looking at her face, I started to examine her body, as it looks like she hasn't had as many body transformations as mine because she seemed not only to be taller than me but was just bigger than me in general

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After looking at her face, I started to examine her body, as it looks like she hasn't had as many body transformations as mine because she seemed not only to be taller than me but was just bigger than me in general. As I looked down at her lower body, she had a 7.5-inch dick on her that made her look like she had an extra leg. "Oh fuck," I thought, realizing how much at a disadvantage I was. She was not only bigger than me physically, but she has a much bigger dick too, and mine has been locked up and out of use, so I am pretty out of practice.

Before I could get done analyzing the rest of the situation, an announcer came over the speakers: "Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to feast your eyes on these two sissies that are about to go head to head! They will be allowed to start once the bell rings."

All of a sudden, it felt like everything went silent after the voice disappeared, like everyone was waiting for it to begin. Me and the other player started to make eye contact, getting into a ready position, except I wasn't fully sure I knew what I was doing.

Ding! Ding!

Before I could try getting in a better position, the bell had rung, and the battle had now started. As soon as it started, the other sissy in the arena with me started to walk towards me, closing her gap. Once we got to a close enough distance, she started to talk to me. "Ready to lose, sissy bitch," she said before starting to laugh at me.

I figured she was just trying to use mind games to find an advantage, so I kept my eyes focused and my mind clear of her words. As she saw that just words weren't going to work on me, that's when she really closed the gap, and we now made contact as we started to lock hands and push against each other.

After a few seconds of pushing, I was starting to slide back, so I tried changing my technique. I decided to stop pushing and latched myself onto her with a strong grip. Tangling up the situation, we ended up falling on the floor, both of us trying to do anything to gain control over the other person.

Now on the floor, what I once thought was a good strategy has now started to fail, as her body weight is slowly starting to overpower mine, and I am naturally finding myself under her.

I was trying to break free, but as I became tired of struggling, I found myself stuck underneath her body weight, and she now had me trapped. I couldn't do anything at the moment, so I decided to rest for a second, as she had me pinned.

From her position, she was quite limited by what she could do to me, but that didn't stop her from bringing her mouth over to my nipple and sucking on it.

"Mmph," I moaned, trying to cover it up to hide my enjoyment. She kept sucking on my nipples, and I found myself completely hard and helpless, enjoying the pleasure. As I was enjoying it, the other sissy started to think she had a chance to reposition herself to reach other parts of my body, and when she tried to, I quickly took the opening to break free.

Once I did, she was taken aback by my sudden gain of will and was thrown off guard. I decided to take my opening, and at that moment, I pounced on her, sitting on her legs and trying to pin her arms down.

It seemed to work, as I couldn't hold her down that well, but I did have her pinned for the time being. I decided, given the opportunity, I was going to use my mouth skills to try and win this. I brought my mouth down to her dick and started to work my magic quickly, taking her dick into my mouth.

I was using my tongue, swirling around it, and plunging her dick down my throat as far as I could, slobbering all over it. "I was doing it!" I thought as I got her dick nice, wet, and slippery. I was thinking there was no way I was not about to make her cum.

Then, before I could even realize it, as I was too focused on making her cum, her hands were now free, and she was pushing me onto my back. Before I could even react, she had perfectly gotten me set up for missionary, and then I realized I had fallen into her trap and set her up to fuck me.

Before I could even get another thought, her big dick plunged inside of me, and all I could do was moan and scream in response to her size. The pain was so much, but the pleasure was even more; I could barely take the sensations.

I felt myself fall into a rhythm of pounding, and all I could think about was her big dick going in and out of me, fucking me with force. The audience around me may have been loud, but in that moment, all I could hear were my own moans and the sound of our bodies clapping against each other as I felt nothing but bliss.

"No no no, I'm GOING TO CUM!" I said before starting to spray my cum everywhere. I couldn't help it, but it just came as the feeling was too much.

Before I could process even what just happened, I was then seeing bright lights once again, and I was teleported back to my room. Now lying on the floor and covered in my own cum. Being too tired from the battle and fucking that just happened, I passed out from exhaustion, unable to look at my phone.

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