Level Six: The Challenge

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I went over to the games tab and viewed the game on my screen. It was labeled "challenge," so I'm assuming it will be some kind of challenge I'll have to complete instead of a game.

I then decided to click on the challenge to see what it was going to be about. As the game loaded, the new text appeared on the screen: "Don't get hard challenge. You will see a series of pictures on the screen, and there's only one rule, which is to not get hard."

I thought about it, and it shouldn't be too hard as long as I focus on something other than the pictures, so deciding on this, I decided to click the start button.

A timer then appeared on the screen before it started to show me pictures of hot girls. After a while, the images were increasingly becoming more and more sexual. I then started to have difficulties not getting turned on, as it's a constant flood of images that I couldn't stop. After a while of staring at boob and pussy images, I started to see cocks over and over again, and then they soon turned into women sucking cock.

My cock twitched at the sight of them, and it felt like my head was feeling fuzzy, like when I was watching that sissy video the other day; I felt similar afterwards. I couldn't help myself as I found my eyes glued to the cock, and no matter how badly I wanted to take my eyes off, I couldn't.

I started to feel myself slowly staring to stiffen, getting half-erect, and trying to hold the rest of it back. I couldn't help it, I thought, and all I could do was try to think about other things as I steadily continued to harden.

Just as I was almost 100% hard, the challenge abruptly ended. "You win! +1000 Sissy Points," the screen showed.

As I read it, I was happy with the money I just won but very confused by my body's natural response. I've always just liked girls, but from those images, it felt like the other way around.

"Ah whatever," I thought, trying not to worry about it as I just made a bunch of money. I then decided to log off the app as usual, around this time, and decided I would log back on again tomorrow.

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