Level Ten: Warm Up

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I opened my eyes and slowly got up, feeling the dried cum on me. "I must have passed out after the game," I thought as I tried to recover.

I checked my phone to see it was the next day, realizing I had been out for quite some time. Still feeling tired and hungry, I decided to take a few minutes to recharge.

Once I had had some food, I decided to go back on the app, as I hadn't even checked it after losing the last game. Once the app loaded, text appeared on the screen from the aftermath of yesterday's battle. "Great performance! Despite losing the battle, you have been awarded +5000 Sissy Points, and no punishment will be given," the screen read.

"Awesome," I thought. At least I'm getting something out of that. I then tapped onto the screen, revealing the next page, to reveal that I had leveled up to level 10. Looking below level 10, I saw there was a special message that normally isn't there. "Level 10 is the final level; once you complete this level, you have finished playing," it said underneath the level.

Taking a glance in the mirror, I realized it's for the best that it's ending, as I don't even recognize myself anymore, but I really will miss the income.

After thinking about that for a minute, I cleared my thoughts and no longer thought about the situation. I then decided to go look at the daily tasks to see what I would have to do today. Once I reached the task section, I read the instructions for the day: "Fuck warm up, fuck your dildo for at least 10 minutes; just a hint: you will need the warm up to survive the game."

After reading the instructions, I decided the task itself really isn't that bad for me, as I have a chastity cage on and can't masturbate any other way anyway, and I'm actually really scared of what that game is.

Considering all the facts, I got out the dildo and started to use my mouth to lube it up. I then got to work on it, trying to deep throat it to get it as wet as possible. Once I did, I suctioned it to the floor and got on my knees, placing myself above it.

I slowly lowered myself onto it and let out a soft little moan as it pushed against my hole. It slipped inside, and I slowly started to take all of its inches.

Once it was inside of me, I started to speed up and started to go in and out, picking up a pretty steady rhythm. After a while, it started to feel really good, and I was leaking pre cum out of my cage.

I felt like I needed more, and I found myself speeding up even more, pounding myself on top of it. It felt like there was an itch I needed to reach, and I couldn't stop myself.


The timer had gone off, and my warm-up time had ended. I raised myself off the dildo, unsatisfied as I wanted to keep going, I then quickly cleaned up, and grabbed my phone. "I was close to cumming," I thought, feeling embarrassed as I started to look back at my phone.

Looking back at my phone, I saw that I received another 1000 sissy points, and the screen was also telling me that the game was the final challenge.

Considering I had just warmed up and I was still in the mood, I decided it was a good idea to go ahead and click on the games tab to see what this final challenge would be.

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