Episode 3: A Ruin With a View

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Shortly after arriving in the Hoenn Region, Ashley, mainly Mew in disguise, along with Tomo, and the Pokemon meet an aspiring new Pokémon trainer named May. Now, together, they're on their way to Oldale Town where Mew will register for the Hoenn League.

"How much farther do we have to go to get to Oldale Town?" Tomo asks.

Mew checks her Pokenav, "Well, we shouldn't be any longer."

"I hope so," May says.

The group turns to see May, looking tired, "I'm getting tired."

"Don't worry May, we should arrive at the Pokemon Center and Oldale Town before it gets dark," Mew says.

"Kay," May says.

The group continues walking down the path to get to the next town before it gets dark.

Just then, May says, "Ashley?"

"Yeah May?" Mew replies.

"I always thought that Pokémon were supposed to stay inside their Pokéballs, right?" May asks.

"I get what you mean," Mew says, "Pikachu and Eevee don't like being in their Pokeballs, but they like it better hanging outside with me."

"Eevee/ Pika Pika!" (That's right) Pikachu and Eevee say.

"Meloetta and Skwovet are fine outside too," Tomo says.

Meloetta and Skwovet nod in response.

"Huh," May replies and takes out her Pokéball, "I haven't gotten any complaints from my Torchic yet," Then remembers, "Uh, come to think of it, I barely know anything about this Torchic!"

"Then what you should do is look it up in that new Pokédex you just got," Tomo says.

"Oh, yeah!" May says and gets out her Pokédex, "Well, it says here that Torchic is a fire type Pokémon, and its attacks are..."

Tomo soon notices, "Hey, look at that!"

"At what?" May asks.

The group looks ahead to see an Azurill.

May gasps in surprise, "Ah!"

May uses her Pokeball and the Pokdex says in a different voice, "Azurill, the Polka Dot Pokémon. A Normal and Fairy Type. Azurill is able to throw its tail like a lasso, using the momentum to move about."

Seeing it, May happily says, "It's so cute! I want it!"

"Then, try and catch it!" Mew says.

"Alright. I'll just grab me a Pokéball..." May says and takes out a Pokéball, "...and throws it!"

"May wait!" Tomo calls out.

But May throws the Pokeball

Mew cries out, "No! Not like that, May!"

The Pokemon cries out in their voices, "Not yet!"

However, the Pokéball hits Azurill.

May happily cheers, "Oh, yeah! I caught my first Pokémon!"

Right on cue, Azurill escaped the Pokéball

"Azurill!" (That won't work!) Azurill says, and doesn't look pleased.

May is surprised, "Hey! What gives?"

"Sadly May, you can't catch Pokemon like that," Mew says.

"Why not? I threw an empty Pokéball at it, didn't I?" May asks.

"First, you have to battle the Pokémon and weaken it. Then you throw your Pokéball when the wild Pokemon is weakened," Mew explains.

May gets embarrassed, "Right, I know. Time for a Pokémon battle! Torchic, I choose you!" and calls out Torchic.

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