Episode 15: All in a Day's Wurmple

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Mew and her friends are walking through the woods to get to Rustboro City.

"So Rustboro City is right on the other side of the woods right?"

"That's right, and then it will be my Gym Battle," Mew says.

Then turns to Pikachu and Eevee, "You guys are ready?"

Pikachu and Eevee reply in their language, (We're ready.)

Suddenly, as everyone walks on, something drops down upside-down in front of May's face

"Hmm?" May questions.

What May saw was a worm-like Pokémon hanging upside-down in front of her, prompting her to scream before the creature dropped to the floor as the others looked back to see a startled May.

"Uh, May, did you just say something?" Max asks.

"Yes. Something just dropped down right in my face," May says.

Then points to the source, "There it is over there."

Everyone looks and sees the worm-like Pokémon crawling towards the bushes.

Mew recognizes it, "Hey it's a Wurmple."

She brings out her Pokedex and Dextette says, "Wurmple, the Worm Pokémon. A Bug Type. Wurmple live primarily off of sap from trees. The suction cups on its feet keep it from slipping.

"You know, I'm pretty sure that Wurmple evolve into Beautifly, right, Brock?" Max asks.

"Yeah, that's right," Brock says.

"That thing's gonna become a Beautifly?" May asks.

"That's right," Mew, "But Wurmple also has a branch evolution. Depending on how you raise Wurmple it might become a Beauitfly or a Dustox."

"I guess once you get used to it, it is kind of cute. I know. I'll catch it!" May says and runs after it, "Hey! Wait for me, Wurmple!"

"Uh-oh," Max replies.

Mew calls out, "May! Wait!"

"You'll get lost," Jen calls out.

Everyone runs after May.

Somewhere in the woods, May calls out, "Wurmple?" and looks around for it.

Everyone else soon catches up to her

"Wait up, May," Mew calls out.

"Yeah, what's the big rush?" May asks, "I just didn't want that Wurmple to get away."

"I'm a little surprised that you have this thing for a Bug Pokémon like Wurmple, May," Brock says.

"I know, but just think, if Wurmple's raised well, it'll evolve into a Beautifly," May says, and remembers Janet's Beautifly, "Remember how gorgeous Janet's Beautifly was?" She then happily says, "Someday I hope to enter a Pokémon Contest with a gorgeous Beautifly of my very own."

"So, I guess you're saying you really liked that Contest, huh, May?" Tomo asks.

"Definitely," May says, "And for the next Contest, I'm gonna enter it and win a first place ribbon."

"Yeah. That's great," Brock says

He then says, "Hey, guys, I know it's a little early for lunch, but why don't we take a break anyway?"

"Okay!" Max says.

But May says, "Not me. I'm gonna go catch that Wurmple. Bye!" and runs off.

"Hey, May! Wait a minute!" Mew calls out.

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