Episode 8: Tree's a Crowd

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Mew's next adventure has taken them into an unpleasant turn.

"Great, we're lost! And if the blame belongs to anyone, it's you!" Max says angrily towards May.

"Why is it my fault?" May asks.

"I said we should've taken a right turn at the fork in the road, but you insisted on going the other way and now we're lost!" Max says.

But May says, "But this path looked prettier and it had all those awesome flowers. There's nothing more dreamy than strolling through lovely flowers," Then angrily says to Max, "Anyway, who was in charge of the PokéNav? You should've been doing a better job as a navigator!"

"This PokéNav is out of range! Don't blame me!" Max angrily says.

"How convenient!" May says sarcastically.

Brock then breaks them up, "Come on, break it up! No one's to blame! Mew, the others and I got lost all the time, but we don't fight about it.

"That's right. When we were traveling around with Misty, we probably set the record for getting lost, but we always wound up getting to where we wanted to be in the end," Mew says.

The Pokemon agree. However, they can see that Max and May are still mad at each other.

Max angrily says, "This is completely her fault."

Suddenly, something leaps through a nearby tree, catching Mew's attention.

"What is it, Mew?" Tomo asks.

"I saw something!" Mew says.

Everyone looks and sees several Treecko leaping through the tree before one stops and looks at our heroes

"It's a Treecko!" Max says.

"So cool," Jen says

"So this is where they live!" Molly says.

"Let's see," Mew says, bringing out her Pokedex.

Dextette says, "Treecko, the Wood Gecko Pokémon. A Grass Type. Treecko are able to climb smooth, vertical walls and use their thick tail to attack opponents. Since Treecko build their nests in large trees, it is said that those trees will live a very long life."

"They're cute. Look at all of them," May says.

"This must be their territory," Max says.

"There's soo many of them," Molly says.

"I know. Look at them jumping through the trees," Mew says.

"Yeah. I want a Treecko," Tomo says.

"Me too," Mew says.

Soon, the Treecko makes its getaway.

"Now the Treecko's getting away!" Brock says.

"I wonder where they're going," Jen says.

"Let's follow them," Mew says.

"Yeah!" Tomo says.

With thatr, Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, Tomo, Meloetta, and Skwovet follow the Treecko.

Molly calls out, "Hey, Mew! Wait up!"

"Tomo, wait for us!" Jen says.

With that, Molly and Jen chase after them along with Amaura.

Then Max says, "Hurry up! Let's go!"

May zooms past, "I've seen Slugma slither faster than you!"

"You look like a Slugma!" Max shouts in anger, and runs after her.

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