Episode 10: Taming of the Shroomish

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This adventure begins as Mew and her friends are on a hill overlooking a large city. The Pokemon are amazed to see the city.

May breathes deeply, "Ah! That smells great!"

"What smells great? The air pollution, garbage or the car exhaust?" May questions.

"No. It's the wonderful scent of the big city," Max says.

"You're right, May," Mew says, "I guess we've been traveling in the woods so long, I forgot what that smells like."

"Guess we all do," Mew says.

Mew and her friends soon head to the city known as Rinshin Town, their first stop in a city in quite some time. They walk along the streets to look around.

"Like they say, you can take the girl out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the girl, now can you?" May happily says, "Now where should we start? Maybe a little window shopping, followed up with dinner at a nice restaurant, and then, let's see..."

"It's been a long time since I ate food in the city," Mew says.

Pikachu and Eevee agree.

"This would also be a good time to stock up on supplies, too. So..." Brock says and gets out the guide book, "Alright. Let's check out the town map."

May soon looks at the guidebook, "I didn't know you had that! Quick, let's go!""

"You know, I bet if we look really hard, we can find some cool sorta city type Pokémon!" Max says.

"Zigzagoon," (Maybe.) Zigzagoon says, sitting on Max's head.

"That sounds good, but it wouldn't hurt to grab some lunch first," Mew says.

"Okay, then I might as well just go with you," Max says.

"Yeah. I'm hungry too," Molly says.

"Me too," Tomo and Jen say.

"Alright," Mew says, "We're gonna go get something to eat, okay guys?"

"Sounds good, then we'll meet up back at the Pokémon Center, okay?" Brock replies.

"Yeah!" Everyone replies.

Elsewhere, at a dilapidated old mansion, a construction crew is at work.

One of the workers says, sounding uneasy, "Boy, this old mansion sure gives me the creeps."

Another worker soon says, "Did you hear? Another guy. Fifth worker this week just up and quit."

"There's something really weird about this old place. No doubt," The first worker says.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is seen among the workers as James revs up a chainsaw.

"I can't hear ya!" Meowth says.

"Open up those big ears!" James shouts

"My ears are wide open! Why don't you open up your mouth?!" Meowth shouts.

"If I open my mouth any wider, something will fly into it!" James shouts.

"Well, guess what? I might just be my fist if you don't watch out!" Meowth shouts.

James turns off the chainsaw, "Oh really?"

Then Jessie comes over, "Hey, you two! Break it up! Work the chainsaw instead of your mouth? If I have to spend another minute in this jumpsuit, I'm gonna scream."

"Yes. They do have a tendency to ride up," James says.

"I predict Jessie's being so irritable cause she's hungry. And as I saw and hoid on a commoicial, you're not you when you're hungry," Meowth says.

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