Episode 31: A Meditite Fight!

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Mew and her Pokemon are standing on the ledge overlooking the ocean, waiting for the next wave to crash. The next big wave starts closing in.

"Here it comes," Mew says.

"Pika." (Wait for it.) Pikachu says.

The wave gets even closer and bigger.

"Let's go!" Mew says.

Mew and her Pokémon make a dash for it, avoiding the wave as it crashes down, prompting them to celebrate.

"We did it! Way to go!" Mew cheers.

"It's really working! Their training's paying off!" Max says.

"They knew just where the waves were, and then moved exactly when they had to," May says.

"Yeah. They're doing great," Molly says.

Just then, Brock calls out, "Hey, guys! Breakfast is ready!"

Mew and the others start off another day of training with one of Brock's fantastic breakfast. The group is about to eat until...

"Cowabunga!" A scream appears.

Everyone turns and sees a girl surfing towards them.

'Hey, who's that?" Tomo asks.

The girl calls out, "Watch yourselves, I'm coming in for a landing!"

The girl leaps off her board and lands on her feet. It's revealed to be a girl with fair skin, long blue hair, and wearing a magenta two piece swimsuit.

She then points to Mew, "Hey, you, buddy!"

"What? Who, me?" Mew asks.

And Brock says, "Excuse me, but we're in the middle of breakfast now."

"Save your breath. My name is..." The girl says.

But before the stranger can say her name, a wave crashes down on her, soaking her.

She quickly shakes herself dry, "I'm Shauna! Shauna the Battle Girl!"

"Battle Girl?" Mew says, confused.

Jen asks, "What's with that?"

"Beats me," Tomo says.

The girl Shauna asks, "You're Ashley, right?"

"Uh, yeah," Mew says.

"And I happen to be Brawly's top apprentice and loving girlfriend," Shauna answers.

Confused, Mew asks, "You're Brawly's apprentice?"

"And his, girlfriend, too?" May adds, surprised.

"She looks awfully young to be Brawly's top apprentice," Brock says.

Shauna then says, "Ashley, I want you to battle with me, now!"

"Now?" Mew asks.

"Yes! Cause, there's no time like the present!" Shauna says, presenting the Pokeball.

"Well I do like to have a battle with you, but I like to enjoy having breakfast first if you don't mind," Mew says.

Suddenly, Shauna's stomach starts growling, causing her to collapse in embarrassment.

"Wow! I'm really hungry!" Shauna says.

Then Brock says, "Tell you what. How about battling after breakfast? Shauna, you're welcome to join us."

"Yeah. We have plenty if you want to join," Mew says.

"Really? I'd love to!" Shauna happily says and eagerly takes a seat, "Come on! Let's dig in already!"

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