Episode 9: A Tail with a Twist

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Mew, May, Max, Tomo, Jen, and Molly happily say, "Whoa! That smells great!"

Same as the Pokemon, (And it looks great!)

Still headed toward the first Hoenn region gym in Rustboro City, Mew and friends take a lunch break in the forest. As usual, they're amazed at Brock's ability to whip up delicious food.

After tasting the food, Brock says, "Yep, it's ready. Let's eat, guys!"

May says, and calls out, "Okay, Torchic! Lunchtime!"

"Come on Zigzagoon!" Max happily says.

"Come on, and get it!" Brock says.

"Time to eat!" Mew says.

"Come on out, guys!" Tomo says.

"Yeah!" Jen and Molly happily say.

Soon, many of Mew and her friends' Pokemon come out.

Soon, everyone notices the two Treeckos. Mew and Tomo's Treecko feel uncomfortable.

"It looks like those two might be feeling a little weird around all our other Pokémon," May says.

"Cause they're all staring," Max says.

"Hey, guys, there's no reason to be suspicious. Say hello to Treecko and Willow,"
Mew says

The Pokemon try to communicate with them, Willow begins talking with the others, but Treecko leaps onto the body of a tree and climbs up to a high branch.

Mew calls out, "Treecko, come back! Unless you wanna miss lunch!"

"Pika Pika!" (It's really good!) Pikachu calls out.

Treecko simply plucks a twig from the tree as some of the gang watch.

"You don't think Treecko would rather eat twigs than Brock's famous soup, do you?" May questions.

"I don't think it's about the food," Max says.

Brock says, "Treecko are tree dweller Pokémon. Plus, they're pretty shy, so it's probably just more comfortable up there."

"That's true," Mew says.

Soon, everyone is settled down for lunch.

"Yummy! You should have your own cooking with Brock show!" May says.

"Thanks, May," Brock says.

As everyone eats, Brock notices Torchic running around with an apple and a cluster of grapes.

"Hey May, what's up with Torchic? It seems pretty wound up," Jen asks.

"It always gets excited about food, but I think it's eating too much," May says.

"Pokémon learn behavior from their trainers," Max says.

May's eyes grow wide upon hearing what her brother said before angrily glaring at him.

Molly giggles.

May groans, "Not you too, Molly."

Mew gets up, "Hey, Treecko, you okay?! You're not gonna sit in that tree all day, are you?"

Treecko doesn't say anything.

"I'll take that as a yes," May says.

Mew calls out, "Well, alright," and picks up Treecko's bowl, "Your lunch is right here if you get hungry!"

"Eevee Eevee!" (Don't wait too long!) Eevee calls out.

"Treecko." (Alright.) Treecko calls out.

Treecko soon senses something, and when it looks down, it finds something lurking into the bushes. Soon, the figure lifts itself up to reveal itself to be a serpentine Pokémon. It is mostly covered in black scales, but it has several markings on its body. It has yellow hexagon markings that run from its head to its tail, small yellow bumps where it touches the ground, and various purple scar-like marks. It has elongated red fangs that protrude from its upper jaw and fierce red eyes.

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