Episode 17: The Winner By a Nosepass!

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Mew calls out, "Pikachu, Iron Tail, let's go!"

Pikachu charges up the attack and slices through a boulder.

"That was great, Pikachu," Mew says.

"Pikachu!" (Thanks Mew) Pikachu says,

"Evee, use Shadow Ball!" Mew calls out.

Eevee performs Shadow Ball.

"Awesome job, Eevee," Mew says.

"Vee!" (Thanks!) Eevee says.

Then Mew calls out, "Sprigatito, use Magical Leaf!"

Sprigatito performs Magical Leaf.

"Nice work," Mew says.

Sprigatito meows in response.

Mew calls out, "Dragonair, use Aqua Tail!"

Dragonair performs Aqua Tail and hits a large rock.

"Great work," Mew says.

Dragonair feels pleased.

"Now remember, we need to have the perfect timing to use the attack," Mew says.

Pikachu, Dragonair, and Sprigatito agree.

"Pikachu and Sprigatito are so cute," May says.

"And Dragonair is strong," Tomo says.

"And they're doing well with their attacks," Max says.

"Yeah, they've been working hard," Brock says.

"Now, just one more time, for me," Mew says.

And with that, all three Pokemon perform their attacks.

Soon, Mew and her Pokemon are taking a break.

"You're doing really great, Mew," Jen says.

"Thanks," Mew says.

Brock then says, "Well, since Roxanne's Geodude is at a pretty high level, even with your Pokemon's strong attacks, it's gonna be a pretty tough battle, right?

Max turns to May, "And you, May? What's your strategy gonna be for this battle?"

But May says, "Oh, I think I'll pass."

"You'll pass?!" Everyone but Mew says in shock.

"That's what I've decided," May says.

"You're gonna pass, after coming all this way?" Tomo says, confused.

"That's weird," Max says.

"Yeah, May. Why would you do that?" Brock asks.

"I think I know," Mew says.

Everyone turns to Mew in a confused expression.

Mew says, "Sounds to me that May wants to be a Pokemon Coordinator than a Trainer, right May?"

Mew nods, "That's right. I want to become a Pokemon Coordinator, just like Janet. And I suspect you want to be a Coordinator too."

"That's right. Not only I want to collect badges, but I want to be part of contests and compete as well," Mew says.

Everyone becomes baffled.

Then Max asks, "But why would you miss out on this chance now that you're already a Pokemon trainer?"

However, May explains, "Well, I'll tell you the truth, Max. I never really wanted to be a Pokemon trainer. All I ever really wanted to do was get out and travel and see different places. Being a trainer was the perfect excuse to be able to do all that."

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