Episode 12: A Bite to Remember

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Today, Mew and her friends are watching a Hoenn Zigzagoon drinking from a small river.

Excited, Max loudly says, "Wow, it's a Zigzagoon."

"But you have to keep your voice down, or you'll scare it off," May softly says.

The Zigzagoon, having heard Max's loud voice, leaves.

"Like that," Max says.

"Hey, that wasn't my fault," Max says.

And soon, nother noise soon grabs Max's attention.

Max looks up, "Look up there."

Everyone turns and spots a trio of Stantler.

"Wow, cool!" Tomo says.

"A Stantler and its fawns," Max says.

"How cool," May says.

"I agree," Jen says.

They soon look up and see a kaleidoscope of Beautifly flying and chirping overhead.

"Wow! Just look at the Beautifly," Mew says.

"There are so many Pokémon in this forest," Max says.

"I know. I've never seen this many in one place before," May says.

"Yeah. Everywhere you look is another one," Brock says.

"You're right," Mew says.

Mew and the others continue looking around and see a Sudowoodo standing still while a group of Shroomish walk by before the Sudowoodo runs to catch up with them.

"Hey, no! Wait!" Max calls out.

"You get too close to 'em," May says.

"Max, you might be scaring them a little bit," Brock says.

"I know, but the real-life Pokémon out here seem so much bigger than the ones in books or on the Pokédex," Max says, excited.

"What's the big surprise?" May questions, "If you'd studied up, you'd know how big Pokémon are out here in the wild."

Max gasps, "I have SO studied Pokémon, and I'll prove it! Zigzagoon like the one we saw at the river are 16 inches tall and weigh 38.6 pounds. Shroomish are also 16 inches tall and weigh 9.9 pounds. And Sudowoodo are a Rock-Type and are 3 feet and 11 inches tall and weigh 83.8 pounds."

"That's very impressive, Max," Mew says.

"Thanks," Max says, "Of course, my Shoomish friend is a little smaller, but it's great to see them. And my Galarian Zigzagoon," He then calls them out, "Come on guys."

And the Galarian Zigzagoon and Shroomish make their appearance.

"I know all their statistics, but they just still look different now that I'm seeing them in person for the first time," Max adds.

"Different how?" May asks.

"When you're close to them, you feel them and smell their scent, and you can even see them breathe," Max says.

Then Molly says, "I know what you mean. Up close, they're really alive, right? All the reading about Pokémon in the world isn't nearly as cool, as the experience of seeing them or making friends with them."

"Yes. Tomo and I have a different experience," Mew says.

"That's right. You and Tomo were practically raised by them," Max says.

"That's right," Tomo says.

"I would like to visit the Pokemon Preservation area where you're raised, Tomo," Max says.

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