Episode 27: Turning Over a Nuzleaf

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One morning, Mew and her friends are trekking through a cave after some morning training.

"Alright! So, today's training is done," Mew says.

Then Tomo says, "I vote we go get some breakfast."

May, Max, Jen, and Molly say, "Sounds good to me."

All the Pokémon agree.

The group continues walking through the cave as they head back to camp.

"I'm extra hungry this morning," May says.

"Me too," Tomo says.

"So am I," May says.

"That makes four," Max says, "Okay, Brock. Hope you are in the mood to cook."

"No problem, Max," Brock says, "But only if you do that Corphish impression."

Max does so, causing everyone to laugh.

Soon, Corphish comes across a smaller cave off to the left. Inside, it finds a snoozing Loudred and lightly pokes at it, amusing it until it makes the mistake of pinching its ear, causing it to wake up and run around in pain as a result, which the gang are quick to react in panic towards.

The Loudred starts screaming in pain, hurting everyone's ears.

Brock throws his Pokeball and calls out, "Forretress, use Rapid Spin on that wall!"

Forretress materializes and does so, making a way out for the group.

"Come on, let's get out of here!" Jen cries out.

Mew then calls out, "Pikachu, bring everyone this way!"

But before Pikachu can do anything, the Loudred smashes into a rock, creating a cover of dust while also causing May to drop her Silcoon and Mudkip, and Mudkip is rolling away.

Soon, Pikachu and the other Pokemon chase after Silcoon.

Pikachu calls out, "Pika!" (Silcoon!)

Molly chases after them, "Wait, come back!"

Molly, Pikachu, Eevee, and the Pokemon continue chasing Silcoon while the Loudred buries itself deep underground

"That was close," Tomo says.

"My ears are still ringing," Max says.

Brock soon notices, "Hey, where'd Pikachu go?"

"Maybe outside?" Mew wonders.

May realizes, "Torchic, Mudkip, and Silcoon are gone, too!"

Max realizes, "Poochyena is gone too."

"So are Meloetta and Skwovet," Tomo says.

"Amaura and Molly are gone too," Jen says.

Everyone gasps in shock when they realize their Pokémon and friend had all vanished.

Meanwhile, Silcoon finally came to a stop.

Molly finds it, "There you are!"

Pikachu and Eevee also appear. They try to reach for Silcoon, but can't.

Then Corphish walks over, "Cor Phish Pish Pish." (Let me try and get it!)

Corphish tries to grab Silcoon, but can't and instead causes it to roll forward before falling itself with Pikachu and Torchic falling with it.

"Oh no!" Molly says and dives in after it.

The other Pokemon do the same one by one. Everyone swims in the river. However, they soon find that they were all heading to a waterfall.

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