Episode 16: Gonna Rule the School!

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Finally reaches Rustboro City, Mew and the others are now in a tower overlooking the city.

Everyone is amazed, "Wow!"

"Just look at that!" May says.

"Awesome!" Max and Tomo reply.

"Rustboro City looks amazing," Molly says.

Brock points ahead, "Rustboro Gym should be over there."

"I see it. I can't wait for my Gym Battle," Mew says.

Then turns to May, "How about you?"

"Well uh, Maybe," May replies.

The group then begins walking along the tower to look at the view some more. Suddenly, Mew, Tomo, and Max hear a voice. The three soon look at the bench and see a Poliwag under it.

Max calls out, "Look!"

"It's a Poliwag," Tomo says.

Max walks over, kneels down and peek under the bench, "Hi there."

The Poliwag freaks out and turns away, frightened

Max says, "If there's something wrong with you, then maybe we can help. Kay?"

The Poliwag turns back around.

"Hey," May says.

Poliwag comes out from under the bench before Max picks it up.

"Hi, Poliwag," Mew says.

Max says, "Hey there. Are you lost, Poliwag?" But soon notices something, "What's that?"

What Max noticed was a band of some sort around Poliwag's tail with a Pokéball symbol on it.

"Some kind of symbol?" Max questions.

"Hmm, well maybe this Poliwag belongs to someone," Mew says.

"Poor Poliwag, it must have gotten lost," Jen says.

Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Poliwag!"

Everyone looks and sees a woman run up. She has red eyes and brown hair, which is tied up into two pigtails with a red bow, with a small black U-stripe. She wears pink tights and a small tie-like pink scarf around her neck. She wears a white shirt with a purple school uniform dress and a pair of purple shoes.

The woman says, "Oh, good. I've been looking all over for you."

Poliwag happily hops into the woman's arms

"I was so worried," The woman says in relief.

Then asks Max, "Did you find it?"

"Uh..." Max responds before answering, "Uh, huh."

"Well, I just can't thank you enough," The woman says.

Suddenly, someone calls out, "Miss Roxanne!"

Everyone looks and sees children standing behind her.

"You found Poliwag! Alright!" A boy with a purple jacket and has a Magby says.

A girl wearing a pink and light green dress happily says, "That's so great!" holding a Pidgey in her arms.

As the girl spoke, Max spotted a child with blue hair looking nervous and sad.

The girl with Pidgey says, "See? Everything's okay."

But the boy with Magby says, "Except our class trip is ruined, and poor Poliwag is scared completely out of its mind."

"I'm sorry," the boy with blue hair apologizes.

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