Episode 4: There's No Place Like Hoenn

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Continuing on their journey. Mew, May, Tomo, Molly, and the Pokemon arrive on the hill to see Petalburg City over the horizon.

"There it is. Petalburg City," Molly says.

"Yes! We've finally arrived!" Tomo says.

Mew turns to her Pokemon, "Pikachu, Eevee, our first battle in the Hoenn region is comin' up!"

"Pikachu!" (Then let's go!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee Eevee!" (Yeah, let's go!) Eevee says.

"Yeah. I suppose, Ashley." May replies, sounding nervous.

"Come on everyone, let's go," Mew says.

Everyone begins walking down the hill and makes their way to Petalburg City and finds the gym.

"So, Petalburg Gym's a big deal, huh?" May asks.

"Well yeah, if I win a gym battle there, I get a badge, and once I get eight of those badges, I can compete in the Hoenn League!" Mew says.

"That sounds great, I guess," May says.

The Pokemon agree.

Tomo asks, "Hey May, are you planning on competing in the Hoenn League?"

May sheepishly answers, "Uh, oh, yeah! Of course, Tomo!"

"Okay," Mew says, noticing the odd tone.

She then says, "Wonder what the Petalburg gym leader's gonna be like."

"I'm sure he's a nice guy," May says.

"Do you know him, May?" Molly asks.

"Me? Well I don't really know him that well," May says, "The word on the street is Norman's very kind and also very strong and, of course, I hear he's very handsome and a really great man!"

"Sounds like you know him pretty well," Mew says.

"Uh... No, I just wish I did," May quickly says and turns around, seeming to be a little nervous.

Then Mew has an idea, "Hey, I know! Why don't you come with me and the others, and then we can meet him together?"

"Well, I really can't. Uh..." May says, sounding unsure.

"How come?" Tomo asks.

"Well, you see..." May says, sounding unsure.

"Pika?" (Why not?) Pikachu questions.

"I just have to go and take care of a few things first," May says.

"Huh?" Mew and the others say, confused.

"Later, guys," May says and runs away giggling.

"Uh okay," Tomo replies.

The other Pokemon say their goodbyes.

"I don't know why, but I got a weird sense of deja vu from this," Mew replies.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "Is that you Mew?"

The group soon turns their heads to see another familiar girl with an Amaura.

"Jen!" Mew says, surprised and with a smile.

"Hey guys, I knew I found you around here," Jen says.

The Pokemon happily greet Amaura and are glad to see her again.

"It's great to see you, Jen," Tomo says.

"What are you doing in Petalburg City? I thought you were heading back to the Orange Islands?" Mew asks.

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