Episode 18: Stairway to Devon

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At the Pokemon Center, Mew is looking at her first badge.

"My first badge in the Hoenn region," Mew says.

"That's so cool, Mew," Max says.

"Thanks. I can't wait for my next one," Mew says.

Molly asks, "Where is the next gym?"

"I'll check it out," Max says and activates the PokéNav, "According to this, the next gym is on Dewford Island."

"Great," Mew says.

"That's cool," Tomo says.

Suddenly, they hear May scream, "Oh!"

Follow by Brock, "Whoa!"

Everyone looks to their immediate right.

"What's wrong guys?" Jen asks.

Turns out, Brock and May were checking two copies of one magazine.

"They've got everything here is Rustboro. It's one of those giant cities that has something for everyone," Brock says.

"Clothing stores, jewelry stores, flower shops, outdoor restaurants, everything you need to survive," May says.

"Sounds nice," May says.

"But what about Dewford Island?" Tomo asks.

"Well, the gym isn't going anywhere," May says.

And Brock says, "We have two hours before the next ferry to Dewford Island, anyway, and according to this guide book, there's lots to do here that doesn't involve just shopping. So why don't we all just check out the city on our own and then meet at the ferry?"

May chuckles, "Okay."

Mew thinks and says, "Sure. I don't see why not."

"Yeah," Jen says.

"Sounds nice," Molly says.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Max says.

Suddenly, Max accidentally spills his Soda, "Ah!"

The soda spilled on the PokéNav and it was fried causing Max to yell before he tried to clean it while grunting with worry, then he tried to turn it on.

"Uh-oh. Uh..." Max says, worried.

Everyone turns to Max, "Huh?"

"Is everything okay over there?" May asks.

Max becomes nervous, "Uh, uh.." He soon notices the PokéNav in his and yells before quickly hiding it, "Just fine. Everything's okay. And especially good with the PokéNav. Got to go," and runs off.

"Wonder what's with him," Mew wonders.

"Who knows," Max and Brock respond.

Jen says, "I'll check on him."

"I'll go too," Tomo says.

"Me three," Molly says.

"Alright, but remember to stick together," Mew says.

"Okay," The three respond and hurry after Max.

Elsewhere, Max is seen wandering around the city on his own, worrying about what he's gonna do if the others learned that the PokéNav was broken.

"Max, wait!" Jen calls out.

Max turns to see Jen, Tomo, and Molly rushing over.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" Max asks.

"We want to check on you to see if you're okay," Tomo says.

"Not really," Max says, nervously.

And sighs as he presents the PokeNav, "I accidentally spilled soda on it and it broke."

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