Episode 5: You Never Can Taillow

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The adventure begins with Max walking and looking through his telescope.

Searching around, Max says, "Odd. I don't see a single one anywhere."

As Mew and Tomo along with their old friends, Jen and Molly, and their new friends May and Max, their travels begin in the Petalburg Forest, with hopes of seeing new Pokémon.

Tired. May soon asks, "Any chance that we'll be stopping for lunch soon?"

"Huh?" Tomo replies.

"But I haven't even seen one Pokémon yet," Max says.

"Uh, did you think you could just look up and see one whenever you wanted to, Max? It doesn't always work that way," Mew says.

"Mew is right, Max," Molly says.

But Max says, "But I always heard Petalburg Forest is so full of Pokémon, you can't miss them. I wonder if we're in the wrong part of the woods."

"Maybe," Jen says.

Just then, May grabs Mew's left arm, "Hey, Mew, let's eat lunch!"

But Max grabs Mew's right arm, "No! Let's go a different way!"

May pulls Mew to her, "No it's time for lunch, Mew!"

Max pulls Mew to her, "Not till we see Pokémon!"

May pulls again, "Lunch!"

Max pulls again,"Find Pokémon!"

May again, "Lunch!"

Max pulls again, "No!"

May pulls again, "Yes!"

Max pulls again, "No!"

Mew then releases herself from their grip, "Hold it! Both of you!"

That causes the two to stop fighting.

"Alright. Here's what we're going to do. We'll stop for a quick lunch break, and then we'll decide which way to go and search for Pokemon," Mew says.

May cheers, "Yeah!"

"Max says, "Alright!"

Moments later, everyone settles themselves down for lunch. Everyone soon begins to eat their sandwiches. Even the Pokemon are getting a little food.

"These sandwiches are good. Who knew that fruits make good sandwiches," May says.

"Thanks. I've learned how to make these from another friend from Orange Islands," Mew says.

"But there isn't really enough," Max says.

"Yeah. I didn't realize we were starting to run low on food supplies, but glad we're able to eat something," Mew says.

"Yeah. At least we got some for the Pokemon," Jen says.

"But not much left," Tomo says.

Amaura nods in agreement.

Mew then sighs, "At times like this, Brock would be able to help make some more meals for everyone."

"Uh huh," Molly says with a nod.

This takes an interest to May, "Brock?"

"Brock who?" Max says.

"A friend we were traveling with before. Knows lots about Pokémon, but he really knows how to cook, too. In fact, he taught me a few things about cooking. However, Brock is the best," Mew says.

"Sounds like Brock is a great guy," May says.

"He sure is. His dream is to become the best Pokemon Breeder," Mew says.

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