Episode 7: A Poached Ego!

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Mew and her friends continue on to Rustboro City, where Mew will have their first gym battles in the Hoenn region. But for now, the gang are marching happily along in a forest. Well, most of them.

And that someone is May, who begins to whine, "I'm not happy."

Tomo says, "Oh, come, May. We just finished taking a break."

"Skwovet," (Tomo's right.) Skwovet says.

May slumps to the ground, "I wouldn't call that a break."

Mew sighs, "Alright, guess we'll just have to take another one, then."

Soon, a beeping sound is heard from Mew and Max's PokéNav

Max looks at the map, "Look! There's a Pokémon Center just ahead."

"Oh!" Brock replies.

May soon gets up, "There is? Really?"

Brock then grabs May's hand, "In that case, May, off we go, then."

"Let go. You're hurting my arm." May says and gets loose but stumbles backward, "Whoa!" and right into a tree.

May feels something and turns around and sees something inside the tree, "What's that?"

"What's up, May?" Jen asks.

What May found was a piece of a net, "There's something weird sticking out of this tree.

"Yeah, you're right," May says.

"Wonder what it is," Brock says.

Then Pikachu says, "Pika Pika." (There's more that way!)

"Huh?" The group replies.

Everyone looks off to the right and finds scrapes on more trees.

"Something sure happened here," May says.

"Maybe a Pokémon battle?" Max asks.

"I don't think so," Mew says and looks at the net, "Who'd use this in a Pokémon battle?"

Moments later, Mew and the others arrive at the Pokemon Center.

"Hello!" May calls out.

Soon, Nurse Joy appears, "Welcome to my Pokémon Center."

"Nurse Joy!" Brock happily says.

But May pushes Brock aside, "Hey, there! Did they transfer you from Oldale Town, Nurse Joy?"

"Huh?" Nurse Joy says, confused.

"May. Remember? You really helped us all out at the Pokemon Center back there," May says.

But Nurse Joy says, "Well, I don't see how that's possible since I've never seen any of you before.

"Never? But you're Nurse Joy, right?" May asks, confused.

Then Nurse Joy says, "Right. But the Nurse Joy you know in Oldale Town is my older sister.

"Really?" May asks.

"Cross my heart," nurse Joy says with a giggle.

"So not fair. I didn't even get a chance to talk to her this time," Brock says.

Soon, Max is looking at a book and says, "Hey, May! Look!"

"What, Max?" May asks.

"Check it out!" Max says, presenting the book.

May looks at the open page and finds a picture of multiple Nurse Joys, surprising her.

"A bunch of Nurse Joys!" May says.

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