Episode 13: The Lotad Lowdown

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One day, Tomo runs towards somewhere in his swim trunks.

Tomo shouts, "Cowabunga!"

He leaps and lands in a body of water. Skwovet and Meloeta do the same and dive in the water.

Soon, May runs over in a yellow bikini, "Alright!" and jumps in the water.

Mew runs over in a red swimsuit, Jen is wearing a purple swimsuit, and Molly is wearing a light blue swimsuit.

All three cheer, "Here we come!" and jump into the water.

The other Pokemon jump inside the Water as well.

Max also runs towards the lake in a pair of green swim trunks, "Hey, wait for me! Yeah!" and jumps in.

As they continue their travels through the Hoenn Region, Mew and her friends find time for a little relaxation when the opportunity presents itself. They are swimming, splashing, and having fun. Molly is also swimming with a pink inner tube with light blue flowers.

Brock is on a large rock doing some stretches, "Four, and five. There's nothing more important than warm-up before a good work out. I'm loose as a goose. Now," and carefully dips his right foot in the water, Brock slips and falls in causing everyone to burst into laughter, unaware that something was watching underneath the waves, "Would you just smell that air? It's so clean and fresh."

Meanwhile, multiple eyes watch them from underwater. Back on the surface, Tomo begins splashing Max while Jen splashes May.

Suddenly, Pikachu soon senses something, "Pika Pika." (Guys, we got company.)

"What's up, Pikachu?" Mew asks.

Soon, Eevee says, "Eev Eevee?" (What's that?)

"Huh?" Brock responds.

"What is it?" May asks.

"I think we've got company," Jen says.

They soon see some mysterious lily pads moving towards them. May screams in fright that can be hard all over the forest.

"What are those things?" May asks, scared.

"I don't know, but there's a lot of them!" Max panics.

"We're surrounded!" Molly cries out.

"Come on, let's get back on shore, quick!" Mew says

They all swim for it, but Max soon gets dragged down.

"No, Max!" Brock cries out.

Followed by May, then Brock. Mew, Tomo, Jen, Molly, and the Pokemon.

Then, everyone else in the water gets dragged down and they all come face to face with several Pokémon. Each of them is a small, blue plant Pokémon with six stubby legs. It has large eyes and a wide, yellow mouth similar to a bill. A large leaf that resembles a lilypad covers its back. This large leaf allows Lotad to float across ponds. All of them seem to be happy. But then, they pile up underneath the group and propel them to shore where the others were.

"Ow! That hurts!" Jen says.

"You said it!" Tomo says.

"What was that?" May asks.

Max becomes excited, "Those were Lotad."

"They sure look cute," Mew says and brings out her Pokedex.

Dextette: Lotad, the Water Weed Pokémon. A Water and Grass Type. Lotad inhabit peaceful wetlands, like lakes and ponds."

"You sure are right, they are kinda cute," May says.

"So this lake must belong to these Lotad," Max says.

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