Episode 11: You Said a Mouthful

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Today, Mew and her friends arrived at a small town.

Max is the first to notice, "Hey, look at that sign!"

Everyone looks and sees it.

Brock reads the sign, "'The gym with the world's most powerful Pokémon just ahead'."

"That's so cool! The world's most powerful Pokémon?" Tomo says.

"Loetta," (Oh my.) Meloetta says.

"I can't wait to find out which one it is!" May says.

"Let's go check it out!" Max says.

"Yeah. Let's go," Mew says.

Soon, everyone else nears the gym.

"Uh, guess this is it," Mew replies.

Soon, they hear and see someone screaming and running out of the gym.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Mew wonders.

"What's all the screaming?" Molly wonders.

The kid says, "Oh, man, it's crazy! And it can't be possible!" and gets up and runs off, "That's not a normal Pokémon!"

"Do you think he just lost a battle to the world's most powerful Pokémon?" Brock wonders.

"He must be talking about the one on that sign back there!" Max says.

"What kind of Pokemon is it?" Jen wonders.

"Well, the best way to find out is for me to challenge that Pokemon myself," Mew says.

Soon, they enter the gym and step onto the battlefield.

Mew calls out "Hello! I'm here for the world's most powerful Pokémon! I challenge you to a battle!

Soon, cheering is heard as the door to the gym, proper, opens before someone jumps out with a championship belt on and a Pelipper right by his side. The man has dark hair, tan skin. He is wearing a shirt, red pants, and wears a belt around his waist.

The gym leader announces, "A battle call! The sound that's music to my ears! They call me Anthony. You want the battle of your life, you've come to the right place!"

Everyone is dumbfounded.

"I guess a lack of confidence isn't an issue here," Brock says.

Mew calms himself and says, "My name is Ashley, and I'm here for a gym battle."

"Is that Pelipper really the world's most powerful Pokémon?" Max asks.

"You can bet your boots on that, but this is not an official gym, "Anthony says, "And I have no badges to give either. After all, why should I have any badges on hand when my Pelipper here never ever loses?"

"He's pretty sure of himself," Mew says and brings out her Pokedex.

Dextette says, "Pelipper, the Water Bird Pokémon. A Water and Flying Type. Pelipper carry small items in their mouths over long distances and, when tired, rest floating on the water.

Anthony: Mark my words, I will not rest until everyone knows that Pelipper is the world's most powerful Pokémon!

"This guy should hold seminars," Brock says.

"Yeah! Well, then I challenge you and Pelipper to a battle!" Mew says.

Anthony laughs, "I accept any and all challenges anywhere and anytime."

Brock nods, "We wouldn't expect anything less."

"What are the rules?" Mew asks.

"I battle using only the world's most powerful Pokémon. You may use as many Pokémon as you like," Anthony says.

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