Chapter One

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Looking outside the glass window my eyes find a little girl, who's wearing a yellow dress with white polka-dots on it. Her fiery red hair is in pigtails. It seems like she's dragging her rather reluctant father into the ice-cream parlor. From the looks of it, he's clearly trying to steer her away from the ice-cream shop, but the little girl isn't budging.

A soft smile creeps up on my face, and I'm suddenly swept with the feeling of nostalgia.

A memory of younger version of me comes to my mind. I remember doing the exact thing with Roger. Marcy, Pilar and I would always drag him to the ice-cream parlor after school, almost every other day. He wouldn't stand a chance against us when we would gang up on him and attack him with puppy eyes. He would always get in trouble with mom for caving in so easily.

It used to be just me and my mom. Then Roger had come into our lives when I was around six. He had just emigrated from Colombia and had been living in the apartment next to us. And it was like my mom and him had this cosmic connection that made them draw towards each other instantly and before they knew it, they had started dating and soon after a few months, they had gotten married. Not even a year later, both of them had twins. Two baby girls. Marcela and Pilar.

Despite having an almost eight years age gap between us, Marcy, Pilar and I, we share a strong connection. When we were young Marcy and Pila were like my minions. They still are. They would always follow me around and copy everything I'd do. That's where they got their names as my minion number one and minion number two from.

Marcela or as everyone calls her, Marcy is the shy, more reserved one between them, a little introverted whereas Pilar is what you call, a total troublemaker. She's real rowdy kid. She does something and somehow manages to get Marcy in trouble for it and it doesn't help the fact that both of them look exactly same, given that they are identical twins.

I love both my sisters to death. And I'd do anything to keep them away from harm's way.

The bus comes to a halt making me break my gaze off from the fleeting scenery outside. I quickly get up from my seat, slinging the bag over my shoulder and make my way to the front. I thank the driver, Mike, a middle-aged man with grey strands of hair peeking out of his hat. For someone his age, he's quite handsome. You could tell he'd had broken at least a thousand hearts with that charming smile in his younger years.

"Have a nice day, Mel," Mike says as soon as the automated doors of the bus open.

I look back at him with a smile, "You too, Mike."

Stepping out, my white beat-up sneakers make contact with asphalt pavement. I take in the crisp fresh air of morning. The smell of pretzels wafts in my nose from the food-truck by the sidewalk. My stomach growls at the delicious smell, making me realize I yet again forgot to have breakfast. Ignoring the smell my feet drag me in the direction, I've got well acquainted with in the last six months.

I stop when I come across the beige-colored building with several stories. Climbing up the set of steps at the entrance, I stride inside the building. I greet the receptionist in the lobby and I take left deciding to take stairs. Once I'm on third floor I make my way towards oncology unit.

I glance at my wristwatch. 7.30 A.M. Visiting hours won't start for another thirty minutes. I walk into the waiting area and my eyes immediately connect with brown ones, already staring back at me. I walk towards him and sit myself down beside him. I offer the travel mug of coffee and blueberry muffin that I've brought with me. He takes it from me and immediately starts to drink the coffee.

"You didn't go home last night?" I ask even though I know the answer already.

"Your mum was reluctant to leave her here all alone. So, I ended up staying the night," Roger says as he gingerly takes a sip of coffee. "Dr. Martin has asked us to see him in his office today, said he's got some news." Even living in States for nearly two decades, he hasn't lost his thick Spanish accent.

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