Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I cannot believe you got me kicked out of a restaurant!" Daniela seethes squinting her ash eyes at Maddy in anger. Although with her delicate features, instead of looking menacing, she resembles an adorable angry kitten. "I've never been kicked out of anywhere before." She ends with pouting sadly.

Nick not being able to see her like that draws her closer by putting an arm around her shoulder. He kisses her temple and just like that the pout on her face vanishes and she is back with a lovely smile on her face.

After the four of them got themselves brutally thrown out of the restaurant, they decided to follow me and Jules to Jules' apartment. And how did they even know that we were both at Jules's place? It will forever be a mystery. It's like Will has sixth sense when it comes to locating my whereabouts. Or maybe he has put some kind of trackers on me. I mean I wouldn't put it past him.

So here we are all, spread out in Jules' living room as he is busy with ordering food for everyone.

Even though knowing about Will's obsession with food for years, I was still shocked when I heard his order, but I was beyond astounded when I heard the order placed by Will's lady friend. It would be wonder if she finished all that food on her own. There's no way a normal human could eat that much and look the way she does. Never thought I could see another human eating as much as Will or even more than he eats. This woman is sure surprising me a lot.

"What are you saying?" Maddy asks puzzled looking at Daniela.

Will and Maddy have hogged up a whole couch for themselves, leaving me and Jules to share the faded green loveseat and, Nick and Daniela to squeeze in a single armchair.

Maddy has also taken a liberty to prop her legs up in Will's lap, despite his meek protests. Not gonna lie but both of them are strongly giving off vibes like they've been married for years.

Maddy stretches her leg, accidently knocking Will's phone out of his hands. Bending down he picks up his phone and scowls at her, but she ignores him and stares back at Daniela and continues, "We've got kicked out of many places before. Remember that one time? We painted the car of guy you were dating. The security chased us out of his workplace."

What a crazy woman!

And why does she remind me so much of certain someone?

"You did WHAT?" Daniela asks furiously at the same time Nick asks, "What guy?" His possessiveness truly knows no bound.

"Please guys one question at a time." Maddy sighs, looking down at her nails leisurely. Will nodding in agreement with her even though he has no idea what they said as he is clearly busy scrolling through his phone.

Will halts mid-nodding when his sluggish brain catches up to Maddy's words. And the outburst I was expecting from him finally happens.

"YOU DID WHAT? Painting a guy's car is like hurting him in worst way. You are a monster. How could you do such an atrocious thing? A car is a sacred thing. SACRED-"

"Geez man, You need to calm down. God you're hurting my poor ear." Maddy chastises Will, boldly putting a hand over her left ear, the side on which Will's sitting on, blocking out his voice. "Talk any longer and I'll hurt you in the same way." She easily waves off his outburst, as if finding it totally insignificant.

Next, she faces Nick, "It was a guy she dated a year ago. The prick was two timing her and this other chick, so we decided to take a little revenge." She now addresses Daniela, who is seated right across from her. "And why are you acting as if you didn't know about this? You were right there with me- oh wait..." She knocks lightly on the side of her head, like she's admonishing herself. "How silly of me. Forget I said anything. You weren't supposed to know this. Mel-"

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