Chapter Eight

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My coat doesn't help much with the freezing evening air. I clutch the coat tighter against me for warmth and climb up the steps, leading to my porch. Punching the code beside the door in the keypad, I immediately walk into the house. The sudden rise in temperature makes me sigh in contentment. No matter how long you're away from your home, the comfort you get when you step into your home is indescribable.

Slipping off my coat, I go to hang it in the closet when something green catches my attention. I quickly put my coat away and turn to observe the new plants which I'm sure weren't there, when I was leaving the house two days ago.

On either side of the entrance door, sit two tropical looking houseplants, which I think are called Lucky Bamboo or something. On a closer inspection, I see that they are real and not the fake plastic ones.

My gaze moves around the space and Ta-da my whole foyer is cluttered with green houseplants.

Not that I do not like plants but there're just so many. Even my beautiful backyard doesn't have theses many plants.

On another sweep of area, I see the new additions adorning the pale blue walls. There is big octagon-shaped abstract painting and some weirdly shaped wall-hangings right before my eyes.

If this is how my hallway looks like I'm scared to step further into my home. God knows what other changes I'd see.

Nevertheless, I move further in and instantly pick up the new modifications. The more I walk in, the more plants I start to see scattered all over the place. From the size of a football to as big as footballer himself, I spot variety of plants just littering around in my home.

Just what the heck did she do to my house?

That's it. I'm throwing her out. The only reason I lasted these past few days, breathing in the same space as her is because of her pancakes. Melanie makes the best blueberry pancakes. But even those delicious pancakes aren't going to save her from my wrath now.

"MELANIE!!" I spit out her name like venom.

Man, I can feel my temper flaring.

Storming into the living room, I drop the binder I was carrying on couch but instead it lands on the carpeted floor with a soft thud. Because my supposed couch is no longer in that spot.

What the-

Confused I look around to see somebody has moved the couches. And now that I see clearly, all of the furniture has been relocated too.

What the hell was she thinking giving my living room a make-over.

"MELANIE!!!" I shout again, knowing without a doubt that she's responsible behind all of this.

I was expecting to see my devil-wife's face but instead of Melanie it's Jenny who walks into living room with a scowl on her pretty face.

"Why are you shouting like a madman, Ben?" The woman chastises me like I'm some unruly child.

I stare at her in disbelief and gesture with my hands widely to almost everything around. "What's all this?"

Her scowling face quickly changes to a happy expression. "Isn't this nice?" She looks around the living room in excitement. "This place looks lovely with all these beautiful plants and all the furniture repositioned in right spots this time."

"No. It doesn't." I deny shaking my head wildly. "I walk through the front door and oh, I'm suddenly outdoors again. I want my old normal living room back."

My house has turned into a freaking jungle. I just need some wild animals and I'm set for a Safari.

Jenny gives me a disapproving look. And at that moment Melanie decides it's finally the time to grace us with her dazzling presence. She strolls into living room dressed like a hippie with the long dress so bright in colors that it actually hurts to look directly at her. There is also a dark blue bandana in her hair which suits her brown locks perfectly. I wish I could say she looks ugly though.

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