Chapter Forty

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My head snaps up with the velocity of light, and then follows a sharp ache of spraining my neck a microsecond later. I'm too broke to be able to afford a chiropractor. Maybe I'll ask the culprit himself to pay for my medical bills. After all, he's the one who caused me a sprain.

Ow flip!

The stinging pain dissipates, and my eyes go the size of football when I catch sight of him casually standing in front of my desk in my department with a smile that can charm any bird on the tree. The blue-eyed man who happens to be my husband stands a couple of paces away from me.

There's no stopping the smile that graces my face when I lay my gaze on the tie around his neck. The color of the tie matches perfectly with his eyes. My mum got that for him saying it'd look great on him. She wasn't wrong about that.

I make a mental note to click his picture later and send it to my mum. But I remember that I never take a second look at these mental notes, then these notes get lost in the abyss of mind and I only get the privilege of seeing them again at 3 am during one random night when I'm barely awake while trying to find a comfortable position. So, I immediately take my phone out, snap his picture and send it to my mum's contact. Done.

Benji's dazzling presence causes chatter to break out in the office. Like a wildfire the whispers of gossip encircle around me.

"Still can't believe Mr. Wyatt is married"

Yeah. I know how hard it is to believe that.

"Why didn't they make a big announcement?"

Uhm. Because some people like to keep things off of radar.

"Why did they get married in secret?"

It's none of your business kind Sir.

"Does he even love her?"

Woah we're not anywhere there sister. He likes me. Benji likes me. Thank you very much!

"He is incredibly sexy"

WHAT. I pause staring at my yummy husband and twist my head to the left to see who dared to say that.

When my eyes land on Martha, I glower at her with so much ferocity. Her eyes widen and she immediately mouths sorry before disappearing back in the crowd. Yeah, that's right, run you witch.

"Wife. Pay attention to me, please."

Oh, my sweetness!

This man!

It's a damn struggle to not give in to my instincts. I just wanna squish his cheeks and pepper his pretty face in many many many kisses. But I reign in my feminine urge and instead decide to distract my lady brain by reprimanding him.

"You can't just show up whenever you want Benji."

He can cause he's the damn COO. But that doesn't mean he should.

I avoid looking at him and busy myself with pretending to read the file on my desk. I read it like it holds all the secrets of the universe. Actors got nothing on me. Sometimes I wonder if I chose the wrong profession. I'd have made one hella of an actress.

I wait patiently for his response. A second passes. I start to fidget in my seat. Five seconds pass. My knees start to bounce. Ten seconds go by. Why isn't he saying anything? Thirty seconds. Is he gone? Fifty seconds. I guess I could take a quick look.

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