Chapter Seven

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The intercom in apartment buzzes just as I finish stacking the last pancake on my Leaning Tower of Pancakes.

Who wants to disturb my peaceful morning with their presence?

Turning off the stove, I wash my hands, wiping them on kitchen towel. And I stride out of the kitchen.

I hope to God that it's not Rhett or his roommate-Maddy. They have a habit of buzzing the intercom at most random times just to annoy me. It's still very early and I don't have enough caffeine in my system to deal with their craziness.

I walk up to the front door and press the button on intercom. "Hello?"

"Buzz me up." that voice commands.

Without thinking I press on the unlock button of entrance door.

Now why did I do that?

I would've preferred Rhett and Maddy over him.

What the hell is he doing here? Or more importantly how did he know where I lived?

Who am I kidding. That man is powerful enough. Of course, he'd know about my whereabouts. I'm even sure that he already has a file containing all information about me.

I haven't heard anything from him in last two weeks and now he's showing his face.

After a few minutes there is a knock at my door. I muster enough will to open the door.

"What are you doin' here?" The question flies out of my mouth as the door opens and I see Mr. Andrew Wyatt standing there in all his glory.

"I want you to pack your things and move in with Ben." He says without missing a beat.

He's delusional if he thinks I'd do that. Who does he think he is? He just can't show up and demand anything from me. I won't be budging to his wishes.

"What makes you think I'd do anything you asked me to do?" I sass.

"Well, I think the next installment of payment might get delayed by a–"

"What time do you want me to move?" I cut in.

He smiles victoriously. "Be ready by 8 tomorrow morning. My men will be here to help you move your things."

"You got it." And I slam the door on his face without any remorse.

What am I gonna do now?


"MEL!" Danny hollers from bathroom.

"WHAT?" I shout back.

"CAN YOU COME HERE?" She shouts.

I don't know why we are even shouting. We could clearly hear each other without raising our voices.

I put the scotch-tape beside cardboard box and get to my feet.

Walking towards bathroom, I stop at doorway. I lean against the doorframe and raise my brow at Danny.

"Your toothbrush's missing. How are you gonna manage without your toothbrush in your new place? Dental hygiene is as important as.... as...", she struggles trying to find the right word.

"As..." I probe.

"Well, it's important. Okay?" She all but snaps at me. Then I watch as her face turns fake-upset. "Oh, no! Now you can't move out."

What kind of reason is that to not move out?

"How am I gonna manage without my toothbrush even if I stay here?"

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