Chapter Four

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When I step out of the elevator, I find myself staring at a random guy sitting behind Stella's desk. I look around the halls for my assistant, but I don't see her anywhere. I stalk towards the desk, but the raven-haired guy doesn't take notice of my presence as he looks engrossed on the computer screen in front of him.

"Who are you?"

At my question his head snaps up as he looks at me with his big brown eyes. He immediately gets to his feet. "Mr. Wyatt, good morning. I'm Aaron Wellesley. Your new assistant."

"My new assistant?" I ask eyeing him suspiciously.

"Yes." He confirms. "I'm sure you must be confused but I was appointed by your grandfather. He's waiting for you in your office." He further adds hesitantly.

That's strange. Gramps never comes unannounced. And why would he appoint a new assistant for me?

I nod at him still unsure and head inside my office.

I see Gramps sitting on the couch flipping through a magazine. I walk up to him.

"Hey gramps, you could've called. I'd have come to visit you." I say hugging him.

"I'm not that old that I can't come to see my favorite grandson." He smiles as he pulls back from the embrace.

"What's with the new assistant? Since when are you involved with hiring people?" I inquire. "I don't need two assistants. Stella's good enough."

"Well, she will not be working for you anymore. I fired her."


"She was incompetent." He reasons vaguely.

I don't think Stella was incompetent but if he fired her then there must be a good reason behind it. He never does something just for the heck of it.

Deciding that not to press on this matter more I nod, and I sit myself down beside him. "What brings you here?" I ask. Beating around the bush never works with him, so I ask the question that's been on my mind since I got to know about his arrival.

"I heard about Suzanne." He shifts around to look at me properly, his green eyes soften.

Boy, news does travel around here fast. We just broke up couple of days ago. First it was my gang and now Gramps. It's not like I wasn't gonna tell him. I just wanted to wait for some time before breaking the news to him.

"What happened between you two?" He asks, making himself comfortable on the couch. Aaron knocks on the open door and enters with a tray and offers grandpa a cup of tea. He offers me coffee, but I decline. "Thank you, Aaron." Gramps says, Aaron nods and leaves the room.

"I wish I could explain but even I'm not still sure what really happened." I answer after a few minutes of gathering my thoughts. "She just started acting weird a few days ago and the day before yesterday she accused me of cheating on her and using her only for her wealth."

"I think your father has to do something with it." He admits after a brief pause.

"What do you mean?" Confusion washes all over me. What my father has to do with all of this? He likes to pretend that I don't exist all the time, so, why would he now take an interest in my life.

"My son is eviler than I thought." Gramps comments dodging my question. He stares straight into my eyes. "Ben, how much do you trust me?"

"I trust you with my life." I respond without any hesitation whatsoever.

"Good." His lips lift up a little as he gently runs his fingers through my hair, just like he used to do when I was a little kid. He retreats his hand and then his face morphs into his business-ey look. "I want you to do something for me."

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