Chapter Sixteen

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"Hello, my beautiful friend and her beautiful angels!!!" I greet as soon as I step into the living room.

Amy is the one who spots me first and comes running to me with her little legs. I bend down and scoop her up in my arms. I spin around in circles, eliciting giggles from her. I place a kiss on her sandy brown hair. "I missed you, my munchkin."

The toddler pulls back from my neck and looks at me with her beautiful sea-green eyes. "Miss yous wots, Aun' Mewi!"

She is the only one who could get away with calling me Meli. Well, she and her twin.

I smile at her in adoration and then I look for the second munchkin.

"Aren't you gonna give your favorite Aunt a hug, Drew?"

He walks almost shyly to me and I kneel down again, wrapping my arms as well, "Did you miss me? 'cause I missed you lots and lots."

"Yesh. Miss you wots an' wots." He mumbles into my shoulder.

Pulling away from him a little, I pepper his face in kisses and he tries to break free from me laughing.

Andrew and Amy are the cutest and most adorable twins in the whole world. And also, they are Danny's kids and of course my god kids.

Well, they aren't biologically Danny's. But it's a damn long story.

A few months back Amy went missing and Danny was the one who found her. And after that like some destiny Danny kept bumping into the twins and their dad. The twins took a liking to her almost immediately and they had Danny wrapped around their fingers in no time. The twins wanted Danny as their Mommy and being the softie that Danny is, she couldn't refuse. She really does love those kids as if they were her own. And twins' dad has also charmed his way into her heart and vice-versa. But these two fools are too stubborn to admit their feelings. For now, they are just co-parenting.

"Where's my hug?" Danny asks kneeling down beside us.

"I kinda have my hands full at the moment." I say and pull both the kids in for another hug.

"Group hug," she cheers and wraps her arms around all of us, but she doesn't realize the force of her actions as she tackles us all to the floor. Amy and Drew start to giggle and we both join them too.

"Hey! I almost forgot. I got you guys something." I say getting up from lying position. I stand up and walk back to the entrance where I left the paper bag. "Who wants Choco cupcakes?"

"Me, me, me!" Amy jumps up and down in excitement.

"Me awso!" Drew copies the excitement of his twin.

"Me too!" Danny squeals.


"What exactly did you tell Rhett?" I ask Danny. Yesterday I got a call from Rhett asking me to bring him back some souvenirs from Disney Land.

"That you are on a business trip." She answers.

"In Disney land?" I ask incredulously.

How she got Rhett to believe that I went for work in Disney land is beyond me. What exactly does he think I'm doing there. Selling Mickey Mouse hats?

I pick up the abandoned piece of Lego and resume making the fish. Amy and Drew are doing a better job with the fish than me. While their figure looks like an actual fish mine looks like someone has drowned my fish over and over and then ran over it several times. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sucks at it because Danny's looks like it has been dead for a long time.

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