Chapter Thirty

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People like them make me want to hate people.

Trust him to ruin the beautiful moment I was having with my wife. Never have I ever had an urge this strong to pack him up in a box and ship off to Antarctica.

Just a few minutes ago I was in state of euphoria and now all I'm filled with is frustration and murdering glint.

"Please don't stop on our accord." My soon to be late best friend says as he munches on chips from a bag that he is currently sharing with the other person. "Continue. And Ben... That kiss kinda looked a little sloppy. Remember what I taught-"

"If you dare finish that sentence Will, I will not think twice before finishing you." I interrupt him.

How long these two have been standing there and watching us like creeps? Seriously some people have no shame whatsoever.

"What are you saying V?" Jay asks stealing a glance at Will.

Should I be scared that these two are already on nickname basis? When did they even meet?

"That kiss looked magical. Usually, I don't watch straight people's smooching business, but theirs was anything but sloppy."

"I get what you are saying J." Will says as he passes the snacks back to Jay. "I'm just saying Ben was holding back from poun-"

"Please do complete that sentence and see what happens." I growl disrupting him again before he goes into explicit details that would taint Jay's innocence or scar him for life or worst corrupt his innocent mind.

"Tell me you are throwing them out." Mel pleads in desperate tone. She doesn't give me any time to answer, and she marches to them like a lioness ready to kill her prey.

She snatches the bag of chips from Jay's hand. "Give me that, that's mine."

Jay stares at my wife frightened and instantly hides behind Will's body. "Save me V. She's out for blood."

"Don't worry J. I've got you." Will consoles him backing away from Mel slowly. He holds up his two index fingers in a cross, waving them in Mel's face. "In the name of Iron man, Captain America and Thor, I condemn you to go back to the depths of hell. Go away you demon. Leave this realm."

Jay mimics Will's pose and he also makes a cross with his fingers.

Mel's back is to me but still I can clearly see the menacing countenances displayed on her face. Her rigid posture alone indicates that she's thinking of different ways to wreck these two guys.

Am I going to be a better person and hold Mel back from murdering two people or am I just gonna let her do the job and call it an accident?

As much as the second option sounds tempting, I can't let my wife go to prison.

I move with the lightning speed and grab Mel from behind just in time she starts throwing hands.

Her feet are off the ground as I pick her up, holding her thrashing body close to me.

"Release me, Wyatt. Or you are up next." I legit get scared but I don't slacken my hold onto her. Mel flails her arms around as she tries to break free from my embrace.

"She's gone crazy." Will wails as he tries to dodge Mel's hands. He switches places with Jay and ends up taking a shelter behind Jay's back. "Control your woman, Ben. Restrain her before she kills one of your precious friends."

"I know how you can control her." Jay lights up like a light bulb, the expression you have when you get a brilliant idea appears on Jay's face. "Kiss her again Ben."

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