Chapter Eighteen

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The kitchen basks in a golden glow as the morning light streaks right from the open window. The blooming arrangement of pink, orange, blue and white daisies by the windowsill looks very pretty. The air is much cooler in the morning as the gentle breeze gusts through the back door.

It's indeed a delightful morning.

Everything is peacefully quite except for the music coming from speakers. My hips sway as the upbeat music resonates throughout the kitchen. I start to sing along, stirring the eggs in pan. Music is truly a blessing to mankind. It has a way of lifting your mood like no other.

But I don't think music can take the sole credit for my happy and wonderful mood today. My blissful aura might be because of a certain blue-eyed man, who also goes by the name Benji. I'm still riding the happy high from last night.

I can't keep the silly smile away from my face every time I think back to yesterday night's event.

Benji gifted me a plant. He gifted me a plant and he apologized. Actually apologized. That was so amazing and so sweet.

Humming under my breath, I dish out scrambled eggs on my plate. Then I move to get grape juice from refrigerator. Pouring the juice into a glass, I put the juice carton back in refrigerator.

I turn around only to jump out of my skin, "Jesus Christ."

"Nope. Just me."

I scowl at the culprit for sending my heart into overdrive.

"You've gotta stop doing that," I warn him taking out another plate, seeing my previous one is hogged by my husband as he casually sits on the barstool chomping down my breakfast.

I take a seat beside him. "I have a very fragile heart, Benji. You can't just appear out of nowhere."

He flashes me a teasing grin. "Not my fault that you couldn't hear me come in over your obnoxious singing. Blame your voice for being loud. And I don't know if anyone's ever told you this but you're a terrible singer. It's a wonder how they haven't put a ban on you for singing yet."

He's just saying that to rile me up. I'm a fantastic singer.

"My voice is gorgeous and you're just jealous." I huff taking a bite of eggs.

"Sure, Ursula." He agrees reaching for my glass. He immediately sets the glass down as soon as he takes a sip, his face scrunching up in disgust, "what the hell is that?"

"Kale smoothie." I lie just to mess with him.

He turns green like the juice and looks like he's about to throw up. Jenny wasn't lying about his strong aversion to Kale.

"It's grape juice," I decide to spare him.

What if he actually throws up? I shudder.

He looks visibly relieved. He gulps down water to wash the taste of grape juice. So, he hates grape juice too. Noted.

The song on the speakers changes to a country one.

With music in background, we enjoy the serene atmosphere and eat our breakfast.

Benji finishes eating soon. Getting up he takes the empty dish to sink and dumps it in there. And then proceeds to walk out of the kitchen.

Just like that?

"Seriously?" I mutter in disbelief, he stops and turns to me arching a brow, "you're just gonna go without cleaning that," I motion to his dirty dish in the sink.

He looks at me puzzled and then gazes around as if expecting somebody to be there, and after not seeing anybody his eyes land on me again while he distinctly points to himself with his index finger, "me? You want me to wash it?"

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