Chapter Thirty-Four

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The fleeting scenery of outside takes my mind off of the thought of what's about to happen. To say I'm super nervous would be like putting it lightly. I'm pretty sure that Benji has seen Roger there. He must have thousands of questions running through his head.

I wouldn't mind telling Benji everything, but I don't know where to start. There's just so much stuff about me that he doesn't know.

As if sensing my inner musings, a warm hand lightly clasps my left one. His fingers fill the gap between my fingers perfectly. The silver band on my ring finger gleams in warm rays of afternoon Sun that's sneaking in through the glass window and it reminds me of the relation I share with this man. I steal a glance at my husband, his focus is on the road ahead. Like he feels my staring he turns his head slightly and graces me with a smile that makes me forget about anything and everything. I feel weightless, like I'm flying through space. There's a tug on my heart. My lips tilt upwards in response and his smile widens further. His fingers squeeze around mine and that's how I know that we're gonna stay the same even after I tell him everything.

The serene spell breaks when my phone rings, and I go to grab it from the dashboard.

The screen flashes with my mum's contact. Oh, come on, it's too early for her interrogation.

The thought of letting it ring sounds very tempting right now, but I decide against it. She'd chew me alive if I missed her call.

Reluctantly I pick up the call and hold the phone against my ear.

"Hey, mu-"

"Get here as soon as you can." Her voice cuts me off.

There's something in her tone that puts me on alert.

For a second or two every cell in my body freezes.

Is my sister okay?

"I-Is she-e?"

Words get stuck in my throat; I can't even finish, and my unfinished question hangs in air.

Lucky for me mom catches on quickly and her response comes immediately. "She's fine."

I let out a sigh of relief, my shoulder relax a bit, and I slump back in the seat.

Oh, God. She's okay. Marcy is okay.

But my relief doesn't last long cause mom speaks again. "Get here fast."

"Yeah, I, I, I'll be there soon." I hang up the call and look at Benji whose eyes are already stuck on me, watching my every move in concern.

I don't even know when he stopped the car. He must have heard the panic in my voice.

"What's wrong?"

"Hospital." I manage to utter. "I need to get to the hospital."

"God, Mel. You're shaking." I feel his warm hands cupping my face and through my blurry vision I see his face marred with worry. "Sweetheart, look at me. It's okay. Everything's gonna be alright. Breathe. You need to breathe."

Only when he says that I realize I've been holding my breath in.

I inhale sharply.

"That's right. You're doing good. Follow my breathing."

I copy his movements and soon the lightheadedness starts to fade away. Benji keeps whispering the words of encouragement through it.

He doesn't let go of me until I'm somewhat calm.

After a few minutes, he speaks. "I'm gonna drive you to the hospital."

I nod still dazed.

"Which one?"

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