Chapter Fourteen

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The elevator door pings open making me rush inside immediately. The metal doors close, and I press down the button with number 14.

Leaning against the wall, I pull out my phone, when I hear chiming of new texts. I see that I've got tons of texts from Jay. I open the message thread and ignoring all the texts, I jump to the latest one. It's a selfie of him along with Kev and a few other workers in the club.

Jay has taken the job as a waiter at Pentagon. He started his job on Monday. Saying he likes his new job would be an understatement. He's totally loving waiting the tables. To be honest I've never seen anyone putting as much efforts as him in waiting table. Jay with his cheery and bubbly personality has won the heart of everyone and in just three days he has become the new favorite of all the members of staff in club. He's really one of a kind.

Benji surprisingly didn't make a fuss about Jay living with us. I thought he'd force me to throw Jay out. But he's letting Jay live with us. I think Jay's grown on him. And Jenny. That woman has literally adopted Jay. Which is also probably why Benji isn't making any efforts to throw him out.

A sudden ping makes me look up as the elevator stops and the doors open.

My eyes grow big and my lips curve into a nervous smile at the arrival of new person.

"H-H-Hey!" Why did you have to stutter like a fool, Mel? "Hey, Dr. Anderson." Despite my efforts to sound firm, my voice comes out squeaky.

The dazzling smile Dr. Anderson graces me with, makes me shy all of sudden. Unconsciously I tuck some lose strands of hair behind my ear.

"Hi, Melanie! It's been so long since I last saw you."

"Yeah," I mumble while discreetly trying to wipe my sweaty palms on the jeans. "I guess our paths don't seem to cross that often because I was here just yesterday."

"Yeah, you're right." He chuckles and I almost lose my focus at the sight of a dimple adorning his right cheek. "So how have you been? How's Marcy doing? Heard the transplant went well."

"I'm doing good and Marcy, she's recovering."

"That's good to hear. And how's the other twin?" He asks while trying to hold back his laughter. "Few weeks back she asked me the information about 'Brain cells transplant'".

Oh My God!

I'd like the earth to open up and swallow me whole now.

"I can't believe she asked you that." I feel myself flush in embarrassment.

Out of all the doctors here, she had to go and ask the one doctor that I have a tiny crush on? I just hope Dr. Anderson doesn't think foolishness runs in our family.

His green eyes twinkle with joy as he laughs at my embarrassed state. "That one is quite a character." Oh boy, he has no idea.

"Yeah." I say shuffling on my feet. The elevator halts. "This is me." I walk out and turn to face him, giving him a tentative smile. "Have a good day Dr. Anderson."

He flashes me one of his killer smiles and says just as the door starts to close. "You too, Melanie."

I stand there watching till the doors close and Dr. Anderson disappears from my view completely.


Entering the room, I didn't expect to see my best friend giggling and chatting with my sister on the couch.

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