Chapter Twenty-Five

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When I walk out of the bathroom, freshly showered, I wasn't expecting to see another Unexpected Thing.

That Unexpected Thing being a lump in middle of my bed buried deep underneath the heap of blankets.

Curious and a little bit afraid, I walk towards it.

On the way to my bed, I grab the newspaper and roll it up. And using that roll, I cautiously poke the unmoving lump and call out. "Uhm, hello?"

I have two guesses who this could be.

My bet is on the first guess, that being Jay. The second guess is Mel.

A few nights ago, I woke up at midnight, when I was trying to get into more comfortable position, I turned to my left side, only for a silent terrified scream to escape me. There was Jay... Sleeping soundly in my bed, cuddling with Mr. Butterscotch. He looked like an angel but almost took me out like a devil. I've come to love the guy but sometimes I'm just so tempted to sell him on eBay.

I nudge the lump again and then I see some movement under the blankets as the lump moves forward before a head of brown hair peeks out and meekly mumbles, "Hi!"

So glad I didn't actually make that bet.

Turns out my second guess was right.

"What are you doin' in my room?" I ask my wife, adjusting the towel around my hips more securely, so that it wouldn't fall off and I won't end up flashing her. Knowing Mel, she'd no doubt accuse me of doing that on purpose.

Mel's eyes grow big finally registering my half-naked state. Her gaze gets glued to my naked torso, and I don't know why but I feel shy all of a sudden.


That's so unlike me.

I've been on receiving end of such stares many times before, but nor once have I ever felt shy like this.

What this woman is doing to me?

Her intense eyes burn through me like warm rays of sun that wash over you on a sunny day. My neck starts to get hot. A few more minutes of those piercing gaze on me and I'd end up resembling a tomato for sure.

Look away, Mel. Look away.

As if she hears my inner voice, Mel comes to her senses and realizes that she's staring a little too long. Hastily she ducks back under the blankets, once again burrowing herself under the pile.

"I-I didn't see anything-g." She squeaks out after a brief pause.

I beg to differ, sweetheart. I think in my head.

This is too good of an opportunity to just pass up. I could get back at her for making me feel flustered all the time. It's not every day that I get an upper hand on Mel.

"You liar." I start with a teasing tone. "You were totally drooling over my eight pack."

Her muffled response comes not even a second later. "You liar. I was so not checking out your abs. And you've got six pack, Benji. I didn't know you were this bad at counting numbers. The number that comes after five is six not an eight."

One of her hands reaches out as she starts to count the numbers on her fingers. "It's one, two, three, four, five and si-." She stops when she realizes that she's run out of fingers. Her other hand comes out as she holds up her thumb and finishes. "Anddd six. There you go. No need to thank me. I'm here to teach you everything. Come back later to learn the next numbers."

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