Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"The Chaos Energy is an ancient untamed force that exists beyond the realm of mortal comprehension. It is said by some to be the remnants of creation itself, the echoes of the Big Bang that continue to resonate throughout time and space. Others speculate that it is the manifestation of primordial chao-"


My eyes pause drifting over the words when I hear my name being called. The world of superheroes fades away, and I find myself back in the mundane human world. Damn, I just started, and I'm totally immersed in this book.

Adjusting the bookmark between the pages, I close the book. The title - 'Sentinels' stares back at me innocently and I make a promise to get back to reading it as soon as possible.

I cast my gaze towards the open doorway. My husband stands there with a sheepish expression on his face as he nervously rubs his elbow. He better have a good reason to disturb me. I need to train him better. He can't just barge in on my reading time, that's totally unacceptable.

I lift a brow in question. He resumes speaking while walking further in my room. "I don't wanna alarm you, but you might want to check on Pilar."

That makes me spring out of bed quickly.

She was fine an hour ago. What could have possibly happened to her in an hour?

In the morning, my parents came unannounced and asked if we could watch my sisters till they got back. And my husband in his desperate need to get accepted by Roger said yes without any hesitation. Not that I was gonna refuse to watch my sisters. So they dropped my sisters here. And then they were on their way to pay a visit to my mum's aunt who went through some surgery. Both of my sisters can't be trusted alone at home. They'd probably set the house or themselves on fire. Marcy is responsible but Pilar has a way of dragging Marcy into her stupid ideas. Hence I'm babysitting them, technically my husband's babysitting them while I am having some 'me' time. Well, time to say bye bye to 'me' time. He is turning out to be a terrible babysitter. He definitely needs better training.

I should've known better than leaving Pilar, Marcy and Benji alone.

In seconds, I'm standing in front of Benji. It doesn't take me long to go into panic mode and throw questions at him. "Why? What happened? Where is she? Is she okay?"

He starts to laugh nervously, one of his hands raises up and he scratches the back of his neck. "Uhm, yeah for now."

What does that even mean?

Not having enough patience, I give him a look that says 'Explain'.

He gets fidgety and starts the word rant. "Will might have followed her back on every platform and he might have posted something about her being his biggest fan and Pilar might have seen that."

My muscles relax after realizing that my sister is not in any sort of danger. But a new feeling of annoyance takes over.

Of freaking course, Will did that.

He really thinks of himself as some sort of celebrity. And learning about his 'biggest fan' obviously fueled his 'larger than Jupiter' ego. He must be riding on clouds now.

Before I could articulate any words, Marcy barges into my room all out of breath.

"Pila just fainted, Ben." She informs my husband, ignoring me. "I told you this would happen. One second she is perfectly vertical and in the next second she is horizontal. Flat. Kissing the earth! We can't let Mel find out. C'mon let's go throw some juice at her and wake her up." She finishes while flailing a juice box in his face.

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