Chapter Seventeen

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Damn it.

My right-hand slams hard against the steering wheel. The momentarily pain snaps me out of the turmoil of feelings, which is threatening to swallow me whole. But the pain fades away too quickly and I feel the frustration building up inside me again. I loosen the tie when I start to feel suffocated.

I sit in my seat rigidly, my eyes following her figure as she walks away before I lose her around the corner.

I really shouldn't have degraded her like that.

Hearing her say that she married me for money made something snap inside me. I already had a suspicion about that. But her admitting it made it very real all of a sudden.

How can a person marry a stranger for some cash?

Sometimes I forget that not everyone is born with a silver spoon. People struggle for money their whole lives. Maybe Melanie is one of them.

A lot of people suffer in poverty. I don't know the struggles of people who don't even have enough to complete their basic necessities. I was lucky to be born in a wealthy family. But most people aren't that lucky.

I don't know Melanie. I know nothing about her. So, I have no right to judge her because of some choices she made. I don't know her reason behind needing the money. Maybe she really needed it for something.

It was so wrong of me to accuse her like that when I don't even know her real story.

And to be honest I don't know why I keep calling her a gold-digger. I don't even think she is one. Maybe this Suzzane thing hit me more than I'm letting on. I've noticed the change in myself. I'm always angry or frustrated at everything.

I've been thinking a lot and I've come to a realization that I'm taking out most of my frustration on Melanie. She surely doesn't deserve that shit from me. Except for the little things she does, she hasn't really caused me that much trouble.

Maybe I'm being too hard on her.

And getting married to her was my own decision. Nobody forced me really. I could've said no to Gramps. But still I was the one who made that choice. It's about time I stop blaming Melanie for that.

And I should apologize to her for being a jerk. And who knows we could be friends after all.

My phone bleeps signaling incoming text. I pull out the phone and I stare at the text from Will.

SKY.IS.RED...... The message reads.

What the heck!

My mind muddles with confusion.

Sky is red?

That idiot.

What does he mean by that?

My puzzled state only lasts for about a minute because I remember exactly what those words mean.

It's a secret code.

I rake my brain, trying to remember what 'Sky Is Red' means.

The list of secret codes that Will made me memorize in Freshman year comes to my mind.

Pineapple – I've got everything under control, you need to chill.

Sky is Blue – Get me out of here ASAP.

Sky is Purple – Get your ass here ASAP.

Sky is Red – I'm in danger and I might be knocking on the door of death. Call 911. (P.S.- If you find me dead already, kindly delete my internet search history. P.P.S. – Play Eye Of The Tiger at my funeral)

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