Chapter Thirty - Nine

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Is this what dying feels like? 

Or maybe I’m already dead and the guards who are supposed to escort you to the gates of heaven, have been bribed by Lucifer to drop me in hell instead. Maybe Lucifer wants me to work for him and maybe he is testing me by putting me under the torture by his demon employees. Maybe he wants to see if I have what it takes to work in hell. 

I shift to my side a bit and a stabbing ache erupts through my entire body and suddenly it starts to feel like I’ve been hit by a truck over a hundred times. It just hurts so damn much. 

The pain is unbearable. It’s like some tiny aliens have invaded my stomach and now they are stabbing me from inside with their little high tech swords. My stomach isn’t the only part that’s hurting though. Some of those aliens have climbed up in my brain and now they are hitting my skull with a hammer over and over again. 

I'm too young to die. I just got into a relationship with my husband. We haven't even done the deed. I certainly don't wanna die a virgin. And I still got so much to live for. 

Another wave of pain hits me like a tsunami and I coil up in a ball. 

Flipping heck! I'm gonna pass out.

These cramps.

I can’t endure this. Dear mother nature, I identify as a man now. Please stop the torture right this instance. Please don’t make me suffer in agony anymore.

Please please please don't bring me to tears when I just woke up feeling so refreshed. Monthly visit is one thing, my agony is another, I beg you don't kill me, mother nature.

I lay curled up on my bed groaning in pain. 

“Why God Why???? Why did you have to make me a woman?” 

Stupid ‘X’ chromosome of my sperm donor. Why couldn't he have donated a ‘Y’ instead. 

My eyes fly open when I hear footsteps. I squint my eyes and soon, Benji's form materializes at the open doorway. He must have heard me dying.

He pauses at the threshold of his own room, that I currently hogged up for myself, he's probably contemplating whether to enter my temporary den and risk his life or just forget he heard my dying wails and move on with his peaceful morning. I wouldn't blame him if he decides to leave. After nearly killing him last night over a packet of chips, I'm surprised he is still brave enough to stand this close to me. 

My hus-friend finally comes to the conclusion that he can handle my wrath and enters the room courageously. He has asked me to not call him hus-friend multiple times. But how else are you supposed to address a guy who is your husband slash boyfriend? He'll just have to deal with it until I come up with some other term to address him. 

Benji's pretty blue eyes land on me and he stares at me like I’m an atomic bomb that’s one click away from exploding and destroying everything that’s within two miles radius. 

“What's wrong with you?” He asks worriedly, stepping closer to the bed, and in the process stepping closer to his impending doom, unknowingly.  “It's too late to tell me that you want to be a man, Mel. I like you. But I don't think I could become homosexual for you. That's not how it works. But if you truly wish to transition then I will support you.”

I resist the urge to say that he’d totally go homosexual for his best mate slash my arch enemy. Instead I absorb the words and I pin him with a scalding glare. 

He raises his hands up in surrender while chuckling. “Just kidding, Mel. But seriously though, what's wrong?”

He sits himself down on the bed, near my head and immediately his hand finds its way to my head. His fingertips gently massage my scalp and I lean into his touch. With his other hand he adjusts the blanket burrito around me and makes it more snug. 

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