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Kindly note that this piece of writing may contain grammatical errors and misspelled words due to human error or lack of attention to detail. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused as a result of these oversights and assure you that the content is still comprehensible despite any minor flaws.

- kyannie

I dropped my phone after hearing the news, my mind struggling to comprehend what was happening. When my senses returned.

I asked my stepmother, who had called, about their location, before swiftly grabbing my phone and purse and heading to the hospital.

As I made my way downstairs, the staff informed me that Lucius had left to attend to some business, and I nodded silently before swiftly leaving the premises.

I took a taxi and quickly headed to the hospital where my dad was being treated. It was nearly a two-hour drive, but I finally arrived.

I rushed to the information desk and urgently asked the nurse about Alfred Alvarez, my father's name.

I immediately made my way to the designated room where I saw my dad unconscious in a bed, connected to numerous machines. My stepmother sat beside him in tears.

I slowly approached, my heart heavy with sorrow, and wept openly. I asked my stepmom about the accident that had occurred at my father's workplace.

The doctor entered the room and proceeded to explain the situation. He mentioned that the chances were fifty-fifty and admitted they didn't know if my dad would wake up or not. They were uncertain due to the impact of the accident.

The doctor then informed me about the bills, and the amount was substantial. I was uncertain about how to obtain that much money, and with each passing day of my dad's unconscious state, the bills would continue to increase.

To pay the bills, I needed a decent job with a good income. I thought of Lucius, but I couldn't turn to him for help. I needed to earn my own money through hard work.

It was past midnight, and I couldn't sleep. I sat by my dad's bedside, silently watching and praying that he would wake up. My stepmother was sleeping on the sofa nearby, while I was lost in thought.

My heart shattered into pieces each time I thought about the situation. I love my dad so deeply, and I couldn't fathom the thought of a life without him.

I had a tumultuous relationship with my stepmom, Marissa. I've never liked her since I was young, perceiving her as a two-faced devil.

My dad and I had fallen out due to his remarriage to her. I adored my real mom and still could not come to terms with my father loving another woman.

Dad had shared with me that my real mom had passed away giving birth to me, and he often spoke highly of her.

However, after Marissa entered our lives, dad stopped telling me stories about my real mom and no longer allowed me to speak about her.

It enraged me, and I blamed Marissa for distancing me from my mother's memory.

I never forgave my stepmother for manipulating my dad and separating me from my mother's memory.

We stood outside the room, and I told him everything that had happened.

"I'll pay the bills. There's no need to worry about that," Lucius stated firmly.

"No, I can't allow you to do that. I can't rely solely on you always." I protested.

He kept insisting, but I refused, and he eventually gave in.

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