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Kindly note that this piece of writing may contain grammatical errors and misspelled words due to human error or lack of attention to detail. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused as a result of these oversights and assure you that the content is still comprehensible despite any minor flaws.

- kyannie

After being discharged from the hospital, Lucius insisted that I should stay at his villa rather than going back to Xandrе.

"I'm married to him now. Wouldn't this be illegal?" I protested, jokingly

"You're not married to him, Cara," Lucius replied firmly, a steely edge to his voice.

"All of those papers you signed are fake," he continued,

"I would never let you marry another man. Not on my watch." He stated

He paused for a moment, his expression turning serious as he continued

"You're mine, mia Cara. And I won't let any other man claim you."

His possessive tone sent a shiver down my spine, a mixture of fear and excitement swirling in my stomach.

"Why would you agree to marry him?" His frustration laced his voice as he questioned me

"Kasi sabi mo, ayaw mo na sa'kin " I replied, my voice cracking with vulnerability.

"What? I never said that," he protested, confusion crossing his face.

"And you said you didn't want to see me anymore," I choked out through tears, my heart aching as I recalled his words.

He immediately stopped the car when he saw me crying, quickly moving to console me.

He reached out and gently wiped away my tears, his voice soothing as he spoke.

"Shh, my love," he whispered,

"I've already told you, that wasn't true." He continued

His words filled me with a sense of reassurance, his presence calming my tear-stained fears.

We arrived at his vast villa, and he carefully guided me inside, supporting me as I struggled to walk due to the events of that fateful night.

"Are you doing better now, my love?" he asked, gently settling me on the sofa in the living room.

"Yeah," I replied softly, attempting to keep my emotions under control.

Suddenly, his phone rang, demanding his attention, and he excused himself to answer the call.

After a brief moment, he returned and lowered himself onto the sofa beside me, his expression inscrutable.

"What happened, Lucius?" I held his hand, looking up at him with concern as I inquired

"Xandre is the one who killed Mr. Alvarez." His voice was stern as he replied

Shock and disbelief washed over me as his words sank in, leaving me stunned and dumbfounded. So... all this time, I was simply deceived by Xandrе and manipulated by him?

I couldn't believe it, my mind racing as I tried to make sense of this newfound information.

"Wh-what?" I managed to stammer,

"Xandrе...he killed.." My voice trembled

Lucius nodded, his gaze fixed on me intently.

"Yes," he confirmed, his voice solemn.

"It was all part of his plan to separate us and keep you under his control." He stated

I felt a wave of anger and betrayal wash over me as I realized how foolish I had been to fall for Xandrе' s lies.

Enslaved By LuciusWhere stories live. Discover now