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Kindly note that this piece of writing may contain grammatical errors and misspelled words due to human error or lack of attention to detail. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused as a result of these oversights and assure you that the content is still comprehensible despite any minor flaws.

- kyannie

My father and I discussed the situation, and I tried to explain to him how much I love Lucius.

However, my father wouldn't listen and kept pleading with me to break up with him. I couldn't take it anymore and stormed out of the room to look for Lucius.

I found Lucius standing outside, and as I hugged him, he noticed that I was crying. He hugged me tightly and stroked my hair.

He asked what had happened, but I didn't tell him. He then asked if he could speak to my father, and I agreed, hoping that maybe my father could change his mind.

Lucius went to see my father, leaving me standing outside, waiting anxiously.

After a while, Lucius returned, his expression unreadable.

"How did it go?" I asked, my voice trembling with nerves.

Lucius looked at me for a moment before speaking.

"It went as well as can be expected," he replied, his tone neutral.

I felt my heart sink at his words.

"What does that mean?" I asked anxiously.

Lucius sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"It's nothing, sweetheart. Let's get going," he said, holding my hand as we walked out of the hospital.

As we made our way out of the hospital, we entered an elevator and bumped into Xandre.

"Hey Laoise," he began, but stopped short when he saw that I was with Lucius.

"Oh I see, you're with him." He stated

Lucius remained silent as Xandre stepped into the elevator, walking up next to me. However, Lucius pulled me closer to him, positioning me in front of him to keep Xandre at bay.

Xandre glanced at Lucius's hand on my waist and then looked at me.

"I heard your father has woken up from his coma" he stated.

"Yeah" I mumbled, keeping my response brief.

"Well, that's good." Xandre nodded.

"Laoise, I'm-"

Before he could continue, Lucius gently tugged me forward as we exited the elevator, walking away from Xandre.

As we left Xandre behind, I turned to look at Lucius, who was still holding onto my hand and waist possessively.

His face was unreadable and his expression stoic since earlier. I couldn't help but start to overthink about what my father had said to him, and I desperately wanted to ask him but didn't want to push him, so I remained silent.

Lucius remained silent throughout the car ride, and the silence between us was awkward.

I wanted to speak to him, but the words stuck in my throat. To avoid the tension, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through it, trying to focus on something else.

When we reached the villa, he dropped me off and drove away without saying anything.

I was confused and slightly hurt by his behavior, so i just went inside and headed straight to the library to distract myself from the questions swirling in my mind.

I spent a few hours in the library, trying to distract myself with books and reading some stories, but my mind kept wandering to Lucius.

I wondered what my father had said to him that made him act so distant and cold. I also wondered why he had dropped me off without saying anything.

The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I became. I desperately wanted to talk to him and find out what was going on, but I was also afraid of what his response might be.

Finally, after hours of pacing around the library and wringing my hands in frustration, I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I knew I needed to confront him and find out what was going on.

With a determined look on my face, I left the library and headed for the driveway where Lucius had dropped me off earlier. I didn't know for sure if he had returned to the villa, but I was willing to wait until he did if I had to.

I waited patiently for a few hours outside, but Lucius still hadn't returned to the villa.

Frustration and disappointment bubbled up inside me, but I tried to keep myself occupied to keep from overthinking.

Eventually, as the sky began to darken, I went to the kitchen to cook a meal for us both.

When I was done cooking, I set the table and waited for Lucius to come home, but as time passed and the food grew cold, I realized I would have to eat alone.

I sat at the table by myself, picking at the cold food and feeling a mixture of loneliness and disappointment.

Where was Lucius? he hadn't called to say he would be late, nor had he sent me a message.

I found myself growing lonely by the minute, wondering why he would leave me waiting so long without any explanation.

I finished my meal in silence, lost in my thoughts. I couldn't shake off the feeling of disappointment and frustration.

Why had Lucius acted so distant and cold during the car ride? Why had he dropped me off without a word and then disappeared for hours?

As I cleaned up the kitchen, I resolved to confront him and demand some answers when he finally returned.

I lay in the bed, tossing and turning restlessly. Sleep was impossible, as my mind was consumed by thoughts of Lucius and his whereabouts. With each passing minute, my anxiety grew stronger, fueled by his inexplicable absence.

As night fell, I remained awake, waiting for Lucius to come home. My mind swirled with questions and frustration, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of worry mixed in with my anger.

Where could he be? And why didn't he bother to let me know he would be late?

I suddenly fell asleep while waiting for Lucius to come home so we could talk.

I woke up to find myself alone in the bed where Lucius should've been. A pang of disappointment settled in my heart as I realized he still wasn't home.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower, hoping to find Lucius in the kitchen making breakfast. However, as I descended the stairs, the house echoed with silence.

Concern gripped me as I sought out the staff, asking about Lucius's whereabouts.

Their response confirmed my fears-he hadn't returned since last night. My stomach churned with worry as I began to wonder where he could possibly be.

I sat anxiously in the living room, waiting for Lucius to come home. Each minute that passed heightened my impatience, as I was keen to have a conversation with him.

As the hours ticked by, my eyelids grew heavy, and I eventually dozed off, my head resting against the couch.

I jolted awake when my phone rang, my heart skipping a beat as I hoped it was Lucius calling me. But it was my stepmother, her voice thick with tears.

"Yes?" I answered anxiously.

She struggled to speak, her sobs interrupting her words.

"A-ang tatay mo.." Her voice trailed off, the words caught in her throat.

A cold dread ran down my spine as I clutched the phone tightly.

"What? Why? What happened?" I asked, my voice shaking with fear.

"W-wala na s'ya.."

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