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Kindly note that this piece of writing may contain grammatical errors and misspelled words due to human error or lack of attention to detail. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused as a result of these oversights and assure you that the content is still comprehensible despite any minor flaws.

- kyannie

DISCLAIMER: This story contains mature and explicit content that may not be suitable for all readers. Reader discretion is advised.

The caller's voice rang out coldly, its icy tone immediately recognizable.

I recognized that familiar tone instantly, and my heart instantly started racing, my hands trembling uncontrollably in response. I struggled to find my voice, my words coming out in a stammer as I fumbled a response.

"W-what.. h-how did you get my phone number?" I managed to utter, my voice quivering with nervousness.

"Well, I just do, and that's not important." His voice was cold and authoritative.

"Now, I demand that you come to my office this instant, or I will come and personally bring you here myself. Don't make me wait, Miss Alvarez." With that, he ended the call, leaving me in a state of anxious bewilderment.

My heart thumped furiously against my chest, and I felt as if it might burst at any moment. I had no choice but to comply and do as he said, lest he came and forced me there himself.

My body quivered with unease as I made my way toward his office, internally cursing myself for being in this situation. I vowed in my mind that I would pay more attention to his lectures from now on.

With shaking hands and a pounding heart, I reached his door, hesitating for a moment. I summoned my courage and took a deep breath, slowly turning the doorknob and pushing open the door to his office.

As I pushed open the door slowly, my eyes fell upon Lucius. He was nonchalantly sitting in his swivel chair, resting an arm on the backrest and casually stroking his lips with his fingers, as if trying to conceal a smirk.

It seemed as if he expected me to be intimidated and backing out.

I was about to retreat, but his authoritative voice halted me in my tracks.

"Come in, Miss Alvarez," he commanded firmly.

I hesitated for a moment, but realizing that there was no escape now, I took a deep breath and slowly stepped forward, my gaze fixed on the floor, avoiding.

my eyes locked on the floor, my head still lowered as I closed the distance between us.

He remained silent, his gaze fixated on me as I stopped a few inches away from his desk.

"Sit" He ordered, gesturing towards the chair in front of him.

I nodded obediently and sat down in the chair indicated, my hands fidgeting nervously in my lap.

He kept his eyes on me, studying me intently as I avoided his gaze, still fixated on the floor.

"Look at me" He demanded sternly.

Reluctantly, I raised my gaze and met his stern gaze, my heart still thumping rapidly in my chest.

He leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving mine, his expression unreadable. For a few moments, he didn't say anything. Then slowly, he spoke.

"Care to explain why you didn't listen to my discussion earlier, Miss Alvarez?" He inquired while raising his eyebrow

I took a steadying breath and tried to calm my heart, which was still beating wildly in my chest.

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