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Kindly note that this piece of writing may contain grammatical errors and misspelled words due to human error or lack of attention to detail. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused as a result of these oversights and assure you that the content is still comprehensible despite any minor flaws.

- kyannie

I recognized that voice. It was Lucius. I glanced behind me and saw him holding my arm, his eyes fixated on us.

Lucius forcefully dragged me away and we left the event, he was silent the whole drive and his expression is kinda dark

He dropped me off in his villa as he drove away with some of his bodyguards followed him with a car
The following day, when I was set to go to work, Lucius's bodyguards barred my exit from the villa.

Frustrated, I attempted to contact Lucius but he didn't respond. I tried calling him again, and this time, someone picked up.

"Why-" I began to speak, but I was cut off by Farrah's voice on the other end of the line.

"Who's this?" she asked.

My voice went cold as I recognized her,

"Where's Lucius?"

"Oh, he's here at my condo and also he's still sleeping in my bed.." Farrah's voice carried a deliberate attempt to annoy and provoke me.

A chill washed over me as I processed her words. Is that why he left in the middle of the night?

"He's tired because of what we did last night-"

I couldn't bear to hear anymore. I abruptly ended the call, my mind seething with curses as I retreated back into the villa.

I spent the whole afternoon pacing back and forth inside the villa as anger consumed me.

The thought of Farrah with Lucius made me sick to my stomach, and I couldn't help but wonder why he was there with her and why i couldn't go out in his villa.

Overwhelmed by frustration, I suddenly grabbed a vase and threw it forcefully against the wall, i was shocked because of what i did as it shattered into pieces.

The sharp sound of shattered ceramic reverberated through the room, yet it did nothing to alleviate my rage.

Days went by as I remained trapped within the confines of the villa. I haven't even seen Lucius in this past few days, leaving me with only my thoughts as company.

The relentless presence of bodyguards monitored my every move, their strictness preventing me from even venturing into the garden.

My anger toward Lucius reached a boiling point, prompting me to devise an escape plan. By the cover of the night, I intended to leave with only my money and phone in hand.

Before my departure, I made sure to return his black card to him, the excessiveness of it all making it unbearable to keep.

But before executing my escape, I took extra precautions to ensure that Lucius wouldn't be able to track me through my phone.

Gladly, as luck would have it. I possessed the skills to hack and handle other technical matters, giving me the knowledge to disable any tracking capabilities and remain untraceable.

I carefully crept through the shadows, her footsteps barely making a sound on the plush carpet. I moved stealthily, staying near the walls and avoiding the sightlines of the various bodyguards stationed around the villa.

Making my way to the rear exit, i used  my hacking skills to unlock the door without triggering any alarms or cameras earlier. I stepped out into the night, closing the door softly behind me.

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