⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ story information ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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- mature language
- mentions/use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs
- romantic interactions

- lowercase intended :)
- this story follows the movies
- in this story, students start hogwarts at 12 instead of 11, most finishing school at 19.
- female reader
- the story starts just after the start of the third movie, the reader is already fifteen

- part of the story is taken from the game, Hogwarts Legacy. you don't have to have played the game to read this, but it does contain spoilers.
- there will be just male love interests! it's easier, sorryyy. for endgame; there isn't a chosen one yet. (pun intended)
- this book will contain some ocs, some made up by yours truly, some stolen- inspired by other stories.
- credits ofc dont belong to me, but to J.K. Problematic, and the creators of Hogwarts Legacy.

character info!!
at first i wanted to be like super mysterious and let you find out as you read the story, but it already starts kinda mysteriously, so here's some info about you!

- y/n l/n.
- you're half veela! on your moms side
- your parents are divorced, your dad d/n living in england, and your mom m/n living alllll the way in bulgaria. you basically always live with your dad, but some holidays you go to bulgaria, and some holidays your mom comes and visits.
- born in 1979
- you speak english, french and bulgarian! i'll only write small words in bulgarian, i'm not a native speaker. please do correct it if it's very wrong :).
- you smoke, and party :) but you're not an addict or crack whore so no worries. just a teenager.
- you have a band with your muggle friends, who are listed in the next chapter. it's called skampzilla, and you're the lead singer!! you also play some guitar.
- you, my lovely reader, are very special. that's because you're the first person in centuries, to be able to see and wield ancient magic...

this is my first story, and english isn't my first language

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now