.⋆。⋆☂˚。 chapter three ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.

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third pov

"mum, i want to go to hogwarts."


"Какво*?! ☆.。.:*"
and cue your mother yelling in bulgarian. you understood part of it, but fortunately most of it was beyond understanding. your bulgarian was fine, truly, but the combination of her mouth too close to the speaker, and the quality of her abused phone, were a truly marvelous combination.

"Спокоен* mum, cпокоен! listen to me, please?"
you interrupt her outburst. you were lucky you were in another country right now.

"ok. explain."
she said, now more calm.

you told her about the letter, and how you had made up your mind that you'd like go to hogwarts with a sudden sense of bravery.
"... and if you don't want me going, the least you can do is explain to me what's going on at hogwarts with ancient magic."

the line went silent for a bit.


"fine. да*. go."
you heard from the other side of the line.

"... what?"
you asked, incredulously.

"go to hogwarts. if they need your magic, then they need it. let that headmaster explain to you. but if even one thing hurts you or-"

"mum! no way! seriously?"
you asked, still surprised.

"... yes. but- just for this year. if anything goes wrong, back to france."
your mother said, resolutely.

"yes! that's fine that's great! i love you mum"
you grinned.

"yes yes. i love you too. now goodnight, if it's midnight here then it's already late there."

"goodnight mum."

you hung up, grinning like an idiot. in the span of one day, you'd gotten a letter from weird old man, found out absolutely nothing more about your weird old powers, but made up your mind to go to hogwarts! that's quite the succesfull day if you asked yourself.

you went to bed, the excitement, and anxiety of the idea of a new school only allowing you to sleep after a few hours.

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

the next morning was a saturday, and you didn't wake up till eleven. when you finally did, you didn't even change out of your pyjamas, and slauntered downstairs.

there, in the kitchen, was your dad, burning- baking an egg. edgar was meowing loudly for his food. as you walked into the kitchen he noticed you.

"heyy goodmorning champ."
he said, appearing to be in an awfully good mood.

"morning dad"
you yawned, and walked over to pet edgar.
"you're happy"

"you bet i am, my little girl is going to hogwarts! woo!"
he yelled excitedly, trying to flip the egg like a pancake, almost dropping it in the progress.

you smiled softly, feeding edgar before going to sit on the counter.
"so you talked to mom?"

"aye. i've no idea how you did it, but congrats peaches. now we've got to prepare you for hogwarts, we've got to go to diagon alley, get your new books, get to gringotts."
he laughs, turning off the gas.

"thanks dad. maybe we could go next week. today i've got band practice"
you said excitedly. you'd been to diagon alley before, for your wand, and cauldrons and stuff, but since you needed to get your books in french, the bookstores were never really on your list.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now