↳˳;; ❝ chapter six ᵕ̈೫˚∗

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it was finally the day of the small performance in the pub. you were very excited, but also very nervous. so much could go wrong. you were sure you'd smoked up an entire sleeve against the anxiety.

you all got to the pub early. you had to make a few walks to and back, to drag all the intruments, cords and boxes along. it took a while, but at last you'd made a proper set up, in an open corner of the pub.

your band, skampzilla, wasn't super popular. it was really only local, and just recently you'd made a deal with a producer, who would get your songs out to the rest of england. he wasn't very pleased to find out you'd be gone for boarding school most of the year. but, he did what he could, and he got out some skampzilla cds to the larger towns of england, like london, bristol, york, birmingham... everywhere he could really. this jig was a good way of  celebrating the growth of skampzilla!

for you, it was also a good way to take your mind off the things that had transpired the night before. you wanted, while you still could, to think about all the ancient magic business as little as possible, and to spend your last day of summer vacation as a real teenager. playing stupid music and drinking.

as the evening grew, more people flowed into the pub, and you and your bandmates looked at eachother reassuringly. the pub was mostly filled with young adults, from around here, and some from norwich. the clock struck nine, and you walked up to the set-up microphone.

"hello brits! we are skampzilla, and we hate society! hit it!"
you started playing the first song of your album, the small crowd cheering. the pub wasn't very big, but it was filled up nicely, creating a nice atmosphere.

after a few songs, like 'polluted streets', 'lampposts' and 'garbage collectors', it was finally time for your best new song, hotel. it went great, mylo was satisfied with the performance and the audience loved it! if only you could do this all the time.

after the show, the four of you sat by the bar, happily chatting about your performance.

"and- your bass solo was soooo good i'm not even joking!"

"i think this was the best take we had on 'hotel' so far!"

"man, y/n you idiot why're you going to scotland!"

you laughed.
"alright alright, i get it you hate me. hey i've got to go to the bathroom alright? i'll be right back."

you left to go to the bathroom. then you checked your hair and makeup in the big mirror that hung in the ladies' room, striking a few poses in your absolute banger outfit. you were definitely the alt, hot mascot chick for skampzilla.

when you left the bathroom, you were suddenly approached by a guy you didn't recognise. he was pretty tall, blond hair, and a frat face. you would've thought him an american, if it wasn't for his strong british accent when he spoke.

"hey, i'm charles. you were really great out there, really saved your band."
he spoke up, leaning on the table in front of you.

"oh, uhm.. thanks i guess? my band is already good by itself though, i didn't 'save' it."
you said, a bit annoyed by the backhanded compliment.

"yeah whatever. say can i buy you a drink? you're like, no joke the prettiest girl i've ever seen."
he asked flirtily, checking you out, ignoring your comments.

'gang is hating on my band and now flirting? hell no'
you thought, as you gave a forced smile.
"i'm good. thanks."

as you tried to walk past him, he stood up to block your way.
"really? it'd be fun. real men don't let girls buy their own drinks, come on babe just for a bit."

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now