⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ chapter one ⍣ ೋ

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third pov

you thought to yourself, as you read the letter you'd just received from an owl you didn't quite recognise.

'signed by... dumbledore? isn't that the old headmaster at hogwarts? how did he...'

you threw the letter on your desk, trying to control your breathing. you looked around your decorated vintage room, but instead of getting the usual warm feeling you always got when looking at your books and posters, you felt a bit anxious. mom would be so pissed. your black cat, edgar, lay on your bed, and you pet him while staring ahead blankly.

'dad will know what to do.'
and that thought is all it took for you to snatch the letter once more, and storm out of your room, sprint down the stairs and look around for your father. you walked through the hallway, the living room and the open kitchen. your house wasn't that big, but seeing as it was just you and your dad there, that was fine. you saw a note pinned to the fridge.

'goodmorning y/n :) i hope you slept well. i went out to work already, breakfast is in the fridge. i'll see you at 5'

you groaned silently. damnit! you took a deep breath, and decided to calm down about the letter. you had no idea how dumbledore could have found out, nor what you had to do next, but you decided to treat it like you did all your problems. hide them in the back of your mind and ignore them until they become unavoidable. you'd just talk to your dad about it when he came back.

you decided breakfast sounds pretty good, and grabbed the food from the fridge. you smiled to myself as you saw the smoothie bowl your dad made for you. he really did try.

you set the food on the counter, and walked to the living room to turn on the record player.

"let's see... the ronettes, david bowie, clannad... since when does dad listen to radiohead? hmm... oh, fleetwood mac. perfect."
you turned on the music, and did a few pirouettes as you walked back to the kitchen, definitely not almost falling. edgar, who'd come sauntering down from your room, looked at you judgementally.

"damn.. i should really get practicing ballet again, shouldn't i edgar? oh well!"

you finished your lovely breakfast, and headed upstairs to get ready. you opened all your windows wide, revealing the beautiful view of the english countryside. the strange owl perked on a lanternpost just outside your house. rain was drizzling, as usual here.

"how lovely. rain. this is almost making me long for the schoolyear to start again, i need the sun."
you and your dad lived in a pretty small town, just outside of norwich. honestly, if your friends weren't here you would've perished a long time ago.

you lit a cigarette, and took a nice long drag. you threw open your closet, picking an outfit.

'the cold never bothered me anyways'
you thought to myself, as you put on your low-rise shorts and off the shoulders long sleeve. you put on a nice big belt and put on your furry big boots.

you sat by the mirror, putting in some star earrings and doing your makeup. you always dressed in the coolest muggle style ever, just about as alternative as you could dress without being damn lapidated in this small town.
-outfit ofc is optional, as long as it's cool :)-

then, you quickly grabbed your small flip phone, and sent a text to mylo.
'hii get leo and come meet at noah's house in 15!! ily 8===D'

you snatched your walkman and purse, stuffing the letter and your phone inside of it.

you walked downstairs, filled edgars foodbowl up and walked out, locking the door behind you. as you breathed in the fresh air, you decided to start your impossibly long walk. ten whole meters, to noah's house.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now