.。❅*⋆ chapter seventeen *∞*。

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it was raining, it was cold, literal lighting, and it absolutely sucked.

you were standing by the gryffindor quidditch team just on the edge of the rink, they were about to start. your umbrella was the only thing shielding you from this god awful weather, you missed france.

"is it really... smart? to play right now? maybe you guys should play some other day. any other day!" you slightly yelled over the rain and thunder.

harry wanted to agree, but oliver wood, who overheard, shook his head violently. "definitely not y/n! we play no matter what! besides, this weather means hufflepuff has a disadvantage!"

"yeah but you guys too!" you yelled, but you went unheard as oliver had taken to yelling motivational words to the rest of the team. you turned to harry. "well... be careful!" he nodded. "definitely."

you hesitated for a second, before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. some of the gryffindor players, that saw, whistled and whooped. harry looked at you red and gobsmacked.

"for luck! sorry!" you gave him a hug, and quickly sprinted off to the tribunes to reunite with the other gryffindors.

"lucky man harry!" george appeared at his one side. "lucky man indeed!" fred appeared at the other. harry nodded, eyes still wide.

the game started, they all flied around and played for a bit, it was a tense game. it was absolute chaos. a bludger smashed the broom of a hufflepuff player, a girls broom -who lee, that commentated the game called angelina johnson- was struck by lighting, being set alight. a girls umbrella flew away from the stands, interrupting the game and almost hitting harry, who you could barely even make out. he suddenly flew away, you figured he spotted the snitch or something. this was all terribly nerve-wrecking, they were literally playing with fire here.

he flew after the snitch a while, the crowd roaring. he flew pretty high, when in the distance you could make out faint shadows. "oh  no..." you muttered. were those dementors? "hey guys! are those-" you started, but then you saw harry falling off his broom, plummeting to the ground. the crowd yelled in shock. dumbledore quickly cast a spell to save him. the gryffindor players stopped flying, and the hufflepuffs stopped too as a figure who appeared the captain immediately yelled at them to quit.

the fourth year gryffindors stood up quickly, running down to the field as harry was magically laid down softly. you followed after. you noticed dumbledore approaching the dementors, as you all rushed harry to the hospital wing.


harry's eyes opened slowly, looking around. he was in the hospital wing, and could make out faint words.

"he looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?" ron sounded.

"peaky? what'd you expect him to look like? he fell fifty feet." fred's voice was heard, george's right after. "yeah, c'mon, ron. we'll walk you off the astronomy tower and see how you end up looking."

harry regained consciousness a bit, and commented on their mocking. "probably a right sight better than he normally does."

he heard your laugh, and he opened his eyes fully, seeing the group at the foot of his bed. "harry! are you alright?" hermoine spoke loudly, looking worried.

he sat up a bit, rubbing his forehead. "brilliant."

"gave us a right good scare mate." fred mumbled, scanning over harry's pale form.

"what happened?" harry muttered, looking around the hospital wing. another hufflepuff player was in the wing, being treated for having some umbrella spokes sticking out of him.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now