⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ chapter nine ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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when you walked in through the main entrance, the first thing you noticed was the blatant size of the castle, on the inside too. the halls were huge, high ceilings and big, colourful paintings on the wall. some torches hung by the walls, to light up the school. after the main entrance we first had to walk down some stairs, and then there was a large door to our immediate left.

you told your new... friends? from slytherin to go on ahead, as you weren't quite sure what you had to do now.

"really, go on. it's fine."
you said to lorenzo, as he asked for the third time.

"really? you know i could wait with you, it's really no probl-"
he was cut off by theodore who hit the back of his head. it seemed to be their own little special love language.

"enzo, stop being down bad and come on. she can't drown anymore, she's already inside."
theo said bluntly.

lorenzo grew flustered, elbowing theo in return.
"i'm not-! whatever. y/n, we'll see you later, yeah?"

"don't get lost again."
draco smirked.

"i wasn't lost!"
you shot back quickly, and then you walked off. the blatant audacity.

you just followed the stream of small children, who seemed to be just as lost as you, until you saw an older woman standing at the center of the entrance hall. you felt a bit silly standing between all the younger kids, and decided to approach her.

"excuse me? i'm sorry mrs...?"
you started out, not wanting to disrespect her.

"professor, dear. professor mcgonacall."
professor mcgonacall answered, her voice was a bit stressed. you'd be stressed too, you decided, if your job was to look over all these kids.

"how can i help?"
she asked, not impatiently, but not calmly either.

"oh- sorry, i'm a new student, y/n l/n. i'm just not sure where i'm supposed to be goi-"

"oh! right right, ms l/n, welcome."
she gave you a quick smile.
"i do hope the trip was alright, even with the dementors. it must've been quite different from beauxbatons, but we're happy to have you here."

you smiled back, the woman spoke kindly, you liked her.
"happy to be here professor. where do you want me?"

"right. we'll sort the first years first, and then we'll call you in."

you blinked. you looked at her, and then through the door of what appeared to be the 'great hall' you'd heard fred and george about. it was a long ass hall, and if you had to walk through that, by yourself, with everyone watching, you were sure you'd trip, fall and never get up from the floor ever again.

but then again, to stand between the first years as they all got sorted, being about a full head larger than the tallest ones, also didn't really sound attractive. you sighed, coming to terms with the situation.

"alright, i'll wait then."
not that professor mcgonacall was listening anymore, as she was busy ushering the first years into the great hall.


neither fred, george, or lee had remembered to mention how long it took to sort all of these kids. from the other side of the doors you faintly heard names being called out, and a full minute atleast being taken for every first year. then, at last, a house name was called out and you heard a loud cheering.

at last, you heard dumbledore announce the end of the first year sortings. he wasted no time, immediately announcing that this year there would also be a transfer student, from all the way of beauxbatons. you mentally screamed at the man for putting so much attention on you.

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now