- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ chapter thirteen ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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"remember! these visits to hogsmeade village are a privilege. should your behaviour reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again."

all the students walked past mcgonacall, as she checked their permission forms. you were walking with fred, jordan and lee, as you showed your permission forms. you were so happy you didn't forget to ask your parents.

unfortunately, harry didn't get his signed. because he blew up his aunt. like, literally inflated her. he said she flew away like a ballon. but, harry said she deserved it, because she insulted his mother. now you understood that, if someone insulted your mother you'd probably blow them up, like the other meaning.

you saw harry try to reason with mcgonacall, but to no avail. you shot him an apologetic smile. earlier you offered to stay here for him, but he insisted you went.

"you sure harry?" you asked, patting his back.

in the weekends you were allowed to wear your own clothes, so that you did. you did however tone it down a bit from your usual style, just because.

"yeah y/n, you just go. it's all about the full hogwarts experience isn't it?" he smiled, blushing a bit.

"yeah.. well you better convince mcgonacall somehow, cause next time we've got to-" you were cut off as fred suddenly picked you up, carrying you over his shoulder and following the walking group. "sorry potter, we've got a hogsmeade to show!"

you laughed, in shock. "fred! help! lee, george!!" you hit his back playfully as he kept carrying you. george laughed, and lee just smiled

"bye harry! see you later!" you tried to wave at him, but fred adjusted you on his shoulder, making you clamp on to his back out of fear.


"honestly, weasley? what's he got?" lorenzo asked, looking at them.

theodore shrugged, glancing at fred throwing you around on his shoulder.

"imagine she was dating him, and she couldn't even tell them apart." lorenzo looked at you two again. "he's just tall, and older. but he's a ginger."

"i don't know enzo, he's got: 'actually making a move' going for him." theo grinned. "you're taking too long."

"i'm not taking too long!" lorenzo argued, raising his hands. "i'm just taking it slow. i don't want to screw this up alright?"

"don't take it too slow, or someone else might get to it first." theodore hummed casually.

"she wouldn't give either of you a chance." they suddenly heard from behind him. mattheo stood there, leaning against the fountain.

"oh yeah casanova? how'd you know, you've never talked to her." theodore rolled his eyes playfully.

"she's half veela isn't she? i would step up my game if i were you, half the gryffindor house is eyeing her up." he said, seemingly uninterested.

lorenzo scoffed. "please, gryffindors aren't a threat."

"... right." they all looked at you and fred again.


halfway to hogwarts, fred set you down again. luckily too, you were starting to get nauseous. "soooo... where are we going first?"

lee grinned. "you'll see. hogsmeade is great. zonkos and honeydukes are obviously the best there."

"don't worry, we'll show you around." george nodded, as you got to hogsmeade. "first though, let's hit the three broomsticks!"

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now