༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹. chapter sixteen .◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ

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"there's a reason i transferred here." you said softly.

harry looked at you curiously. you were lying next to eachother in the sleeping bags, both on your sides as you faced each other. the vast sea of 'stars' floating in the great hall added a soft light. hermoine had informed you that it was, in fact, an enchantment. "a reason?"

"yes. i mean, hogwarts is brilliant, truly, but if it were up to my mom i wouldn't be here. it's just because... dumbledore requested me to come here." you whispered, picking your words carefully. you weren't going to say everything, and had to mind what you told.

"dumbledore himself? well, why?" harry asked, keeping eye contact. that was a wonderful quality that harry seemed to possess. even if his own life was in scrambles, or danger, he was ever so interested in others' stories. it made you smile.

"it's complicated. it has to do with a very, old magic." you whispered even softer now, so that not even the moon might listen to your words. only harry, who seemed mighty interested. "old magic..."

you nodded. "yes. what it is, i'm not even sure myself. just that i... seem to possess it." you whispered, playing with the edge of your sleeping bag. harry looked at your fingers, both of you really too tired to hold a serious conversation.

"i see." he yawned softly. "and you need to be here, for that magic. to learn?"

you nodded. "yes.. you could say that." you breathed out, pulling your sleeping bag high up, keeping yourself warm beneath it. "good night harry..."

"'night y/n." he whispered back, before you fell asleep.

˚ · .

a few days had passed, and luckily you were allowed into the common room again, and your own, sweet dorm. you were happy all was untouched, because the boys' dormitory had been messed up pretty badly. it made you worry for your friend.

as for the fat lady, she'd been temporarily replaced by a passionate, small painting of a knight, that constantly yelled.

as you walked out the common room with hermoine, harry and ron, and you ran into seamus, neville and dean wanting to get it, basically yelling at the painting.

"he's barking mad!" seamus exclaimed. dean groaned. "what'd you expect? after what happened to the fat lady, none of the other paintings would take the job."

neville looked panicked. "but he keeps changing the password. twice just this morning! i've taken to keeping a list."

you chuckled as you walked past them. "well, good luck with that. a list isn't that bad an idea."

neville turned beet red, turning away. you raised an eyebrow, but kept walking. seamus muttered lowly. "when's the fat lady returning..."

"farewell comrades! if you ever have need of a noble heart, and a steely sinew, call upon sir cadogan!" the painting yelled, and ron scoffed. "yeah we'll call, if we ever need someone mental."

you rolled your eyes. "ok sassy." ron looked at you. "shut up!" and he pushed you away playfully.


the day went by pretty peacefully. you didn't have any ass subjects today, and now you'd have defence against the dark arts!

today sucks. when you were sat in the d.a.d.a. classroom, you got terribly jumpscared. like, you nearly screamed. because professor snape walked in confidently, and pulled down the projector in front of the class. hermoine wasn't here, a bit uncharacteristic for her to be late though.

"uhmmm, what?" you asked softly. harry and ron looked terrified, the slytherins looked a bit happier.

snape turned to the class, with his 'no bullshit' expression as usual. you were pretty sure he also flicked his hair. "turn to page 394." he muttered. 'this was supposed to be my safe space...'

teenage girl (various! Harry Potter x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now